Another Question: When Did You Gain The Most Weight
Always fat. Born 9lbs 13 ozs and just continued from there. In fact, I weighed 173lbs in 6th grade (I was about 5'5"). Fast foward to freshman year in college grew three inches and weighted around 230. Gained 21 lbs. Went on a diet and lost 35 lbs by beginning of Sophomore year. Gained back 75 by spring of Jr. year!!! Gained another 40 over the next two years, and hanging around in that area since, plus or minus, but never, ever below 270-280, and mostly over 300 by quite a bit like 30 lbs or more. At one point I quit weighing cause the scale I owned went only to 300, so for that part of my life, I weighted "eee". But if I had to guess......350?
Now I weigh what I did in 8th grade, but I'm going for those middle school numbers. LOL.!....except that it's not really that funny now, is it--especially when you think about me as an 8th grader weighing this much.
Killing part is that I was , by far, the fattest female in my immediate family. Didn't get too much grief about it.....they think I'm real cute, and they KNOW I react badly to all forms of criticism related to appearnce. Though about 7 or 8 years ago, my father mentioned to my mother that he would pay for me to have a Gastric Bypass and she told me and I was honestly livid. I know I'm fat, but I didn't think he should be commenting on it as he never raised me or was around and consequently didn't have the right to an opinion. Also, I was convinced it was dangerous at the time and I was like "this negro tryin' to kill me."
I am, of course, more educated now.
However, when I decided to get my VSG, I called him and was like "Remember when you had said........." And he paid for it! So needless to say, I had changed my mind on him having an opinion.
En-t-way. That's my story.
Now I weigh what I did in 8th grade, but I'm going for those middle school numbers. LOL.!....except that it's not really that funny now, is it--especially when you think about me as an 8th grader weighing this much.
Killing part is that I was , by far, the fattest female in my immediate family. Didn't get too much grief about it.....they think I'm real cute, and they KNOW I react badly to all forms of criticism related to appearnce. Though about 7 or 8 years ago, my father mentioned to my mother that he would pay for me to have a Gastric Bypass and she told me and I was honestly livid. I know I'm fat, but I didn't think he should be commenting on it as he never raised me or was around and consequently didn't have the right to an opinion. Also, I was convinced it was dangerous at the time and I was like "this negro tryin' to kill me."
I am, of course, more educated now.
However, when I decided to get my VSG, I called him and was like "Remember when you had said........." And he paid for it! So needless to say, I had changed my mind on him having an opinion.
En-t-way. That's my story.