Question: How Often.....
Every minute of everyday since I picked up a few pounds. I think about how much I need to workout to burn how many calories. How much I need to workout to burn off breakfast calories. If I am having my cafe mocha, I have to burn those calories off so that I can have it or I cant have it if I dont. I think about how much protein each food has in it and to eat it before anything else on my plate. If I have eatten enough veggies. I get a cup of water first thing in the morning and I cant have my coffee until I drink the water. I think have I went over my calories for the day and if I need to do some extra exercising for the evening.
It is just crazy. A never ending battle
No but honestly though HQ when you think about sex.. HONESTLY no weight related thought pops into your mind along with it? Like you might be thinking you want to do it doggie style..but then you start thinking about how your body would look in that get what I am asking
Or do you think hey if I had sex I could burn X amount of calories?