Protein Train
The protein train will leave the station on Monday, March 2, 2009. This will give everyone a chance to recover from the DC M&G.
Get your ticket early.
All aboard.
(((choo))) (((choo)))
Edit: Please check with your Surgeon, PCP, Dietician, or Nutritionist before riding the protein train.
Also, can someone tell me why my posts show up as one paragraph when I have put spaces between sentences? Thanks.
Wishing the best of luck to all the protein train riders!!
Cookie, might you be using your phone to post? That is often the case, for some reason.
Cookie, might you be using your phone to post? That is often the case, for some reason.
1.) The BACKLINES have backlines. Watch what you say and more importantly WHO YOU SAY IT TO!! 2.) There are NO secrets on BAF. DON'T BE FOOLED!!
3.) The person who says: "I'm going to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone." has already TOLD 50 other people!
No--this isn't from experience--well, not MINE anyway!