Blk Porns why people....
Watching black porns over the years here's my minor observations
Here are my explanations:
1. Black porns 9 x's out of 10 the title is spelled with ebonics.
Racism. Just plain racism. They wanted to put it in a plain brown wrapper and sell it at flea markets but they found out that whites also buy this stuff and they are more inclined to ask for it by the actual title.
2. The women & men sometimes have gun shots or both battle scares either on there sides, the ass, legs or face.
That's because they use 100% real niccas. No fillers.
3. They have the worst sound effects and the girl is either moaning or screaming. But when the camera zoom in to the womens face her mouth is not even open or moving.
That's because in order to get the right sound effect the director told her to imagine herself getting up off her nasty stank ass and getting a real job for a living instead of flat-backin' it through life. What you see is her disgust at even thinking about having to get up in the morning to look for real work. What you hear is her comments being played backwards on a loop.
4. The women have Bad weaves, or rainbow brite colors
Hey black women in major urban areas can earn a living too ya know.
5. No story line, a few words said and they go straight into having sex!
These are young black folks right? Nuff said.
6. Someone is always ashy!
That's because the lotion fairy is on strike. You're lucky if they sponge off between shoots.
7. **Why must my BBW girls have to have on outfits that are to small for them and cutting into there rolls or there stockings can't fit!
They're going for the Reality TV look. I'd say they succeeded.
8. Those ugly white boots or see-thru shoes.
They were on a budget and those things just fell off the back of a truck somewhere. You didn't think somebody actually bought those hoochie clown shoes now did you?
9. Allot of flicks starts off with the women giving a man head
Hell a lot of my Friday nights start off that way. What's wrong with that?
10. If I 4 got to list any please feel free to add on
The only "fetish" porn that they seem to know how to make stars BBW actresses. They do it all. Newly added to the fetish list should be:
A BBW urine fetish with young hip hop sistas called "Phat Piss" & an epic urine fetish slave story called "Fieldhand and Stream."
A BBW fecal fetish title set in a candy factory called "Sugar Loaf" & a dramatic story of a BBW woman with a burning desire to ignite a spark in her employer's pants with her body waste. Call it "Ms. Dumpfire!"
You are right,,, with everything you said.
But,, who wants a ***** flick, that they done spent 10000000000000 dollars on???????? They gonna MISS the point!!!!!!!!!!
One of the worst things in the world to do, is mess up a good ***** flick,, trying to win an Oscar.
I dont give a damn about atmosphere, lighting, special effects, and theme.... this a ***** flick.
I like the regular ole hoeish looking woman, stripper shoes,, simple plot, coootie cut shorts, simple minded NASTY flick.
1. Title? Who gives a damn bout the title!!! All the title is for is to make sure you aint rented it before.
2. Gun shots mean they got a lil character. LOL
3.Yall know black folks cant get the video AND audio at the same time,,,, yall aint never got a bootleg??
4. I like weaves,, and the flourescent hairdo's too.. shoooooooooooot,,, dont hate!
5.Storyline,,, yall know that ALWAYS happens when the plumber comes over.
6. IM always ashy!!!
7. Dont like the BBW,,, two big people cant do NOTHING
8. LOVE the stripper shoes,,, LOVE em.. Why my damn WIFE wont wear em?
9. LOVE head too,,, LOL,,
10. I hate them NARRATING *****s!!!!!! I dont need YOU telling me how "ya boy" bout to tear some ass up,,,, and why you hiding out in the closet,,,, SHE know you there, and she dont care,,,, just have her CHECK ready!!!!!!!!
Have yall seen the squirt themes and the snowball themes<<
Only look back in life to know where you DON'T want to go


White flicks make me laugh you see the man pumping so hard, you see the vein busting out of his for head to end it all into a dramatic ending " That was so F*ing HOT babe"