Houston, we have a problem...
Bobby Brown is Bipolar. He chooses to use recreational drugs to self medicate instead of using prescription drugs that will probably make him a functional person. Bobby has publicly said he doesn't like how the prescribed meds make him feel. Whitney made her own decisions. If you know that your man has mental health issues that is not being managed correctly why in the heck would you follow along with him. Whitney can't blame anyone but herself.
I have Always LOVED Whitney!!!
She had/has so much talent, so much potential, so many ways that she could have been a real role model. Whether it was Bobby that brought her down or her that brought Bobby down is neither here nor there. The fact is that THEY BOTH ALLOWED DRUGS TO BRING THEM DOWN!!!! They got caught up and the fight to get back was/is long and hard.
Whitney cleans up well - she always has, I can't say the same for Bobby - He looks like hell.
It must have been really hard on him being Mr. Whitney Houston. I do believe that Whitney had some Bad Girl in her to begin with. She wanted to be bad. She wanted to rebel, she wanted to be normal and probably faught hard to be that way. Let's face it she was Black America's little Darling - she was the fresh clean face she had the Angelic voice. We all wanted to know WHY IN DA HELL she was with Bobby Brown? Let's face it - He was what she wanted - they must have had something In Common - even if that was the crack pipe.
I have been majorly disappointed in her. She let me down. I expected so much more of her. I don't know if I will ever be so in love with her again. Her down fall hurt me. (but maybe that's why she went so far down - she let thousands of people down - including herself - that's a long hard road to climb back up.) I would love to see her overcome and get back on top. I have just seen this story played out so many time before that I fear for her sobriety and it will take a long time for ME to believe in her again.
She's gonna have to come back as a more mature and wise Whitney. She will have to accept and acknowledge her part in her demise - not Bobby's - HERS. She will have to reinvent herself in the industry. The same demons that took her down still exist out there. She will have to be strong than ever before in order to over come it all. After seeing her in Being Bobby Brown I just don't know if she can. but I'll hold out hope for her.
She had/has so much talent, so much potential, so many ways that she could have been a real role model. Whether it was Bobby that brought her down or her that brought Bobby down is neither here nor there. The fact is that THEY BOTH ALLOWED DRUGS TO BRING THEM DOWN!!!! They got caught up and the fight to get back was/is long and hard.
Whitney cleans up well - she always has, I can't say the same for Bobby - He looks like hell.
It must have been really hard on him being Mr. Whitney Houston. I do believe that Whitney had some Bad Girl in her to begin with. She wanted to be bad. She wanted to rebel, she wanted to be normal and probably faught hard to be that way. Let's face it she was Black America's little Darling - she was the fresh clean face she had the Angelic voice. We all wanted to know WHY IN DA HELL she was with Bobby Brown? Let's face it - He was what she wanted - they must have had something In Common - even if that was the crack pipe.
I have been majorly disappointed in her. She let me down. I expected so much more of her. I don't know if I will ever be so in love with her again. Her down fall hurt me. (but maybe that's why she went so far down - she let thousands of people down - including herself - that's a long hard road to climb back up.) I would love to see her overcome and get back on top. I have just seen this story played out so many time before that I fear for her sobriety and it will take a long time for ME to believe in her again.
She's gonna have to come back as a more mature and wise Whitney. She will have to accept and acknowledge her part in her demise - not Bobby's - HERS. She will have to reinvent herself in the industry. The same demons that took her down still exist out there. She will have to be strong than ever before in order to over come it all. After seeing her in Being Bobby Brown I just don't know if she can. but I'll hold out hope for her.
Peace & Blessings, Sharon
6 years and counting
6 years and counting

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Regardless of the problem, we will accept her back into our homes and hearts and love her like the prodigal daughter; and if by chance she does slip we will talk about her until she either gets herself some help again or she, heaven forbid, dies unexpectedly due to drugs and alcohol.
We are simply too accepting in the black community. Just take a look at Todd Bridges, OJ Simpson, and R. Kelly. Eff-up, mess up, or fess up we just open our arms wide and say, "Welcome home."
This has been a Double_Ayy! presentation. Thanks for watching.
We are simply too accepting in the black community. Just take a look at Todd Bridges, OJ Simpson, and R. Kelly. Eff-up, mess up, or fess up we just open our arms wide and say, "Welcome home."
This has been a Double_Ayy! presentation. Thanks for watching.