
on 2/9/09 2:31 am - Little Rock, AR
I'm confused about some things and maybe its just me and maybe i'm wrong but why is it mofo's scared to say how they trully feel about some ish?

If you got it on your mind....don't be no punk about it....say it!!!!!! 

Mofo's might not agree w/ you or even like but at the end of the day you'll sleep so much better.


KEEP IT 100 W/ YASELF......

So if its a question you want to ask someone....ASK
a post you want to post........POST
LURKERS.....WE/THEY won't bite so if it is a WLS question or LIFE question....ASK

Back to your regular scheduled talk.....

PS....i miss yall Cardinal got me working now.....sorry sap sukkas!

Smile for me.........
Ashley Nicole
on 2/9/09 2:33 am
im guilty of that sometimes

My life is like McDonalds....I'm Lovin It

on 2/9/09 2:34 am
......... and this concludes Mr. Baker's statement of the completely OBVIOUS and ALREADY stated......

please return your seatbacks and tray tables to their full and upright positions as we prepare to land and de-plane..............


I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

on 2/9/09 2:45 am
on 2/9/09 2:45 am
Right on and Word to the Mother   

Ouch !!!  I hurt my lip on this stale bread  
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
on 2/9/09 2:54 am

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

on 2/9/09 2:47 am, edited 2/9/09 2:50 am
on 2/9/09 3:06 am
Hello Young Man, Mr. Baker:

I'm not quit sure I totally understand what you are saying but here is my response. Many people are not courageous (in Life or in Cyber). Have you heard the term "Partners in Crime", well one meaning: that is a person or persons will do with a Group what they will not do Alone. Why, because they need the courage of others. Many people are not able to Cope with negative feedback or take risks, heck many people are not able to Cope period!

It is a special and unique person that is able to Introspect, and then self correct, self affirm or self accept. Many people want to please so they can be accepted by others or a group. Very few will say "here I stand," you might whup my ass but you can't eat me...very few people grasp the concept, "s/he who takes the greatest risk reaps the greatest reward", no matter whether that reward is external or internal. Some people don't say stuff in Cyber or Life because they don't want to cause "Drama", well hell, sometimes Drama needs to be caused to get out old-hacked-up-stinkin-thinkin. But some can't delineate between good drama and bad drama, so they end up passing everything by, those people stand for nothing and that's how they live their lives. Some people may say, jumpin in that post or problem is not worth my time and effort; Life and humans are such that one has to pick their fights because everybody has limited energy and so you have to direct that energy.

Life's decisions are so much more complicated than calling someone a coward for not speaking up or believing someone has courage because they may speak up. What seems cowardly to you Today, in 15 years you  may call it  Discreet; or what seems bodacious Today, in 15 years you may call fool-hearty. It's all about Perspective...even a Coward has one. Oh, by the way...every Coward is not quiet, and most courageous people have a quiet dignity.



Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good! 
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.



on 2/9/09 4:24 am - Little Rock, AR

you put it so well!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel EVERYTHING your saying....

15 years from now I'm sure I won't or at least I hope I won't be fighting EVERYTHING...

Thanks for putting that into such a wonderful perspective...

Smile for me.........
on 2/9/09 6:35 am
I will also add, there are people, places and things that may be Toxic to a person. That place, people or thing may have some good attributes but for the most part is Toxic to you and what you may be trying to accompli****'s up to you to Introspect and then decide just how much of a Toxic thing you want to endure before YOU become sick also. A little bit of Cobra venum can build up your immunity to being bitten, but TOO Much will kill you.

What I am saying is, that if you are in an environment where you begin to "dislike" the people, how they act... to the point that it actually bothers YOU, then that enviroment is becoming Toxic to YOU. If that place or people have some good that You need, get that good on a limited basis. GET in an Environment/People/Places that FEEDS your Spirit and what You want to DO. Don't stay in an environment or around people because that is where you "landed" one day. It takes Courage to seek out new places/people/things...take some risks, because those people that you are "calling" out are part of that environment and help set standards in an environment that you now find intolerable (the Inmates are now the Keepers, in that situation, if you are not strong-bottom will become top for you too. I have seen it before; Like Environments where people asking for prayer but errybody back-bittin each other or sexin each other, or ******** and simple minded are respected (The Homer Simpson Syndrom) and respectful people don't really fit.)
 No one wants to be told that they are dysfunctional...with authority! LOL



Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good! 
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.



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