Yep - it's a piggyback...... What post WLS food approach did YOU have in mind???

During my first year or so post op, I followed my surgeon's and nutritionist's instructions to the letter. More recently I've tried different foods and the further out I get, the more things I am able to tolerate, but I make conscious choices about what I put in my mouth. It's work, but I made a promise to myself that I'm never going to blow back up to my former size, no matter what.
I used to be an "All or Nothing" eater. I'd either be starving myself on some diet or else eating everything in sight. There was no middle ground. Now if I really want some chocolate, I go to the mall and buy one Godiva Key Lime truffle and I thoroughly enjoy it. In the past I would have bought a bag full and eaten them all in one sitting. One of the greatest gifts that I've received from this tool is it helps me practice eating in moderation so I don't have to feel deprived.
I do not claim to be perfect with my eating. I monitor my weight closely and if it goes up a pound or two, I use my tool to do damage control.
did you expect to NEVER eat some things? truthfully my surgery type is not that *widely known* even amongst die hard wls researchers and i understand that for people whose insurance covers it, they don't always have the *luxury* of choosing the surgery type but i was lucky enough to be a self pay. real talk: i coulda picked any type, the primary reason i chose the sleeve was from everything i'd read it made for the least (effort) lifestyle changes. now it's only been a year, i'll holla when i'm a veteran for real. but baby wasn't i shocked when i got on the scale and found i'd gained 7 lbs in 3 weeks (b/c 20 days ago i *discovered* the savory, fake powdered goodness of cheez-its). the bottom line is that i was spoiled by amazing (and expected) results but from here on in, i've gotta work, period.
did you expect SOME things to ALWAYS make you sick? no, but i did notice a pattern before i got cut: dumping (sleevesters call it foaming) isn't random (again tambout my surgery type) you have to have eaten either before you're suppose to be messing with solids or something from the category i like to call the deadly 4 LOL! (sweet, salty, greasy AND fatty) so what i knew shortly after my own egg roll incident was to keep my ass away from "the 4". and even if i didn't, my body and i have a system, she warns me, i put my treat down mid-bite.
did you plan to leverage WLS as a tool to recraft your habits? absolutely not. might sound abusive but i never wanted to change my habits at a-tall, been there done that, i don't have any embarrassment whatsover at admitting that i wanted a magic pill - all loss, no work.
did you expect WLS to 'make' you eat better? yes and it has but eating better is the struggle. in other words i thought having wls would make it *easier* to eat better simply b/c you can actually see that it's working and you feel better for it - yeah, um, that part's mental. i still cut big honking slices of cake cuz no surgery in the world is gonna stop me from wanting salad in its place.
did you expect SOME things to ALWAYS make you sick? no, but i did notice a pattern before i got cut: dumping (sleevesters call it foaming) isn't random (again tambout my surgery type) you have to have eaten either before you're suppose to be messing with solids or something from the category i like to call the deadly 4 LOL! (sweet, salty, greasy AND fatty) so what i knew shortly after my own egg roll incident was to keep my ass away from "the 4". and even if i didn't, my body and i have a system, she warns me, i put my treat down mid-bite.
did you plan to leverage WLS as a tool to recraft your habits? absolutely not. might sound abusive but i never wanted to change my habits at a-tall, been there done that, i don't have any embarrassment whatsover at admitting that i wanted a magic pill - all loss, no work.
did you expect WLS to 'make' you eat better? yes and it has but eating better is the struggle. in other words i thought having wls would make it *easier* to eat better simply b/c you can actually see that it's working and you feel better for it - yeah, um, that part's mental. i still cut big honking slices of cake cuz no surgery in the world is gonna stop me from wanting salad in its place.
Hey Ms. Mack:
I'm pre-op, but coming to OH and going to different Boards has ingrained in me the absolutely necessity to develop new good eating and exercise habits. Sometimes I want to drop kik my Surgeon for making the process longer than most other Surgeons I have contacted. But when I see his success rate for patients regaining weight and the fact that he has had No deaths in his surgical lifetime, I say just stay the course. He drills into each of his patients the South Beach eating plan (not a diet).He wants us to get the relationship between the way we used to eat and how we will eat to KEEP the weight off. 10 years down the line the pouch probably will turn into a somewhat regular stomach, but if you know how to eat properly and have developed good eating and exercise habits, you can still lose wt or maintain the wt loss you have. It's all about the consistant utilization of good habits (simply about the choices we make every day).
From what I am learning from the Boards at OH, I am sticking with My Surgeon, he's slow and sure and has us documenting everything we eat and drink and all of our activities. This is not just preparing us for Surgery, it is preparing us for our Life 1, 2, 5, 10+++ years after s WLS.
I'm pre-op, but coming to OH and going to different Boards has ingrained in me the absolutely necessity to develop new good eating and exercise habits. Sometimes I want to drop kik my Surgeon for making the process longer than most other Surgeons I have contacted. But when I see his success rate for patients regaining weight and the fact that he has had No deaths in his surgical lifetime, I say just stay the course. He drills into each of his patients the South Beach eating plan (not a diet).He wants us to get the relationship between the way we used to eat and how we will eat to KEEP the weight off. 10 years down the line the pouch probably will turn into a somewhat regular stomach, but if you know how to eat properly and have developed good eating and exercise habits, you can still lose wt or maintain the wt loss you have. It's all about the consistant utilization of good habits (simply about the choices we make every day).
From what I am learning from the Boards at OH, I am sticking with My Surgeon, he's slow and sure and has us documenting everything we eat and drink and all of our activities. This is not just preparing us for Surgery, it is preparing us for our Life 1, 2, 5, 10+++ years after s WLS.
Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good!
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.
1. YES - I expected to NEVER eat some things again. It's those things that got me in this trouble to begin with. So if I choose to never eat them again hopefully that's one road I will not have to retravel.
2. I PRAY that some things (like to much sugar) will always make me sick. That way I will never test the waters and go back to overendulging in them.
3. YES - I used WLS to retrain myself and relearn healthy eating habits. It was obvious I did not have that part down prior to WLS. My goal was to use this tool to set up new habits that I can follow for the rest of my life.
4. I know that the only thing that can make me eat better is me but I did expect WLS to help me eat better. I understand that it is a TOOL and only works as well as I use it.
I did a fantastic job in the beginning - the first 3 years. I was great at eating right, taking vitamins, exercising. I tested the water and found my limits - the HARD WAY. After some of the MOST dramatic and wish I was dead dumping episodes I swore before God never to make the same mistake over again. Things started dropping off into year 4. I started feeling NORMAL. HA - all know that we will never be NORMAL again....right? So here I am approaching year four weighing at least 30 pounds over my lowest weight and trying to get it back together.
Thank God for this tool and the desire tonever go back to where I came from.
2. I PRAY that some things (like to much sugar) will always make me sick. That way I will never test the waters and go back to overendulging in them.
3. YES - I used WLS to retrain myself and relearn healthy eating habits. It was obvious I did not have that part down prior to WLS. My goal was to use this tool to set up new habits that I can follow for the rest of my life.
4. I know that the only thing that can make me eat better is me but I did expect WLS to help me eat better. I understand that it is a TOOL and only works as well as I use it.
I did a fantastic job in the beginning - the first 3 years. I was great at eating right, taking vitamins, exercising. I tested the water and found my limits - the HARD WAY. After some of the MOST dramatic and wish I was dead dumping episodes I swore before God never to make the same mistake over again. Things started dropping off into year 4. I started feeling NORMAL. HA - all know that we will never be NORMAL again....right? So here I am approaching year four weighing at least 30 pounds over my lowest weight and trying to get it back together.
Thank God for this tool and the desire tonever go back to where I came from.
Peace & Blessings, Sharon
6 years and counting
6 years and counting
did you expect to NEVER eat some things?
No, in fact, I wanted to be able to eat everything I normally eat, just small amounts of it. I envisioned myself going to the sushi joint and having a small roll and being perfectly satisfied with that, instead of 3 rolls or whatever.
did you expect SOME things to ALWAYS make you sick?
No, I assumed nothing would make me sick ever.....I was wrong, by the way. I've never thrown up, but I have felt like day old crap before. And those sushi rolls that I mentioned above....well, I can eat very little of the rice, so it's not "exactly" how I envisioned it.
did you plan to leverage WLS as a tool to recraft your habits?
My plan was to just eat what I like, but less junk, and very small amounts overall. Then I figured I would ride the wheels until the weight loss stopped naturally and then I would still just be eating my regular stuff (ya know, no low carb, etc) but maintaining. Sometimes I feel that I would be more successful if I had been hard core low carb or something, but I know for a FACT that I can't stick with that.
did you expect WLS to 'make' you eat better?
No, but it has in that I really enjoy veggies now, because they go down smooth, and fried foods make me feel icky and spitty.
No, in fact, I wanted to be able to eat everything I normally eat, just small amounts of it. I envisioned myself going to the sushi joint and having a small roll and being perfectly satisfied with that, instead of 3 rolls or whatever.
did you expect SOME things to ALWAYS make you sick?
No, I assumed nothing would make me sick ever.....I was wrong, by the way. I've never thrown up, but I have felt like day old crap before. And those sushi rolls that I mentioned above....well, I can eat very little of the rice, so it's not "exactly" how I envisioned it.
did you plan to leverage WLS as a tool to recraft your habits?
My plan was to just eat what I like, but less junk, and very small amounts overall. Then I figured I would ride the wheels until the weight loss stopped naturally and then I would still just be eating my regular stuff (ya know, no low carb, etc) but maintaining. Sometimes I feel that I would be more successful if I had been hard core low carb or something, but I know for a FACT that I can't stick with that.
did you expect WLS to 'make' you eat better?
No, but it has in that I really enjoy veggies now, because they go down smooth, and fried foods make me feel icky and spitty.
did you expect to NEVER eat some things? No, but the only thing I know I can't have again is Coke or its partners in crime. I was a big soda drinker. I had my last one the day before surgery.
did you expect SOME things to ALWAYS make you sick? Yes, after watching my mom struggle with food issues from her surgery i thought I was bound and doomed to have the same food issues. In the beginning all she could eat was crackers and beans. everything else she threw up. I thought the RNY would ruin my love for food. It hasn't and I don't have the food issues she has either.
did you plan to leverage WLS as a tool to recraft your habits? No, I recrafted most of my habits during the 6 months of classes I took to have surgery. We learned about good carbs vs bad carbs, fat, calories, etc. I can say that i am honestly a lot healthier as far as my diet is concerned since those classes then I would be if I just had surgery without learning my trigger foods and such. Not to say that I haven't tested some things and I'm perfect with folowing orders because I'm not and I tend to have to learn the hard way with trial and error, but I think this is as good as its going to get with me. I know me and know my limitations. My surgeon told me that I will still be able to have some of the foods I love in moderation and limited quanity. For me, thats better than saying avoid these foods forever. I wouldn't make it and never would have had the surgery. Sorry thats the truth. I'm not good with a whole lot of restriction and don't do this and that.
did you expect WLS to 'make' you eat better? No but it has. I recently discovered that my love of all things fried changed. I don't like greasy foods anymore. I don't dump off them but I can taste the grease. I choose not to eat foods that don't taste good given the fact that I can barely get in 3oz of food at a time. Before WLS, i would have keep on eating it because I hate to waste food. Now if I eat something that I don't like, I toss it in the trash. I wasn't expecting that reaction.
did you expect SOME things to ALWAYS make you sick? Yes, after watching my mom struggle with food issues from her surgery i thought I was bound and doomed to have the same food issues. In the beginning all she could eat was crackers and beans. everything else she threw up. I thought the RNY would ruin my love for food. It hasn't and I don't have the food issues she has either.
did you plan to leverage WLS as a tool to recraft your habits? No, I recrafted most of my habits during the 6 months of classes I took to have surgery. We learned about good carbs vs bad carbs, fat, calories, etc. I can say that i am honestly a lot healthier as far as my diet is concerned since those classes then I would be if I just had surgery without learning my trigger foods and such. Not to say that I haven't tested some things and I'm perfect with folowing orders because I'm not and I tend to have to learn the hard way with trial and error, but I think this is as good as its going to get with me. I know me and know my limitations. My surgeon told me that I will still be able to have some of the foods I love in moderation and limited quanity. For me, thats better than saying avoid these foods forever. I wouldn't make it and never would have had the surgery. Sorry thats the truth. I'm not good with a whole lot of restriction and don't do this and that.
did you expect WLS to 'make' you eat better? No but it has. I recently discovered that my love of all things fried changed. I don't like greasy foods anymore. I don't dump off them but I can taste the grease. I choose not to eat foods that don't taste good given the fact that I can barely get in 3oz of food at a time. Before WLS, i would have keep on eating it because I hate to waste food. Now if I eat something that I don't like, I toss it in the trash. I wasn't expecting that reaction.
did you expect to NEVER eat some things?
Yes, mainly sugar and white bread. I haven't had Coke (my drug of choice) and I feel better than I ever have. I was so damn lethargic, never getting up from the couch.
did you expect SOME things to ALWAYS make you sick?
No. I was in shock the first time I puked. It's the eating slow that I have not quite mastered at this point.
did you plan to leverage WLS as a tool to recraft your habits?
Yes, and it's working well for me. I do everything by the book, and thankfully have not strayed once. Portion control was a HUGE pre-op problem for me. I'd fill a damn plate high and to the damn edges. Buying hors d ourve plates and bowls helps alot with that now.
did you expect WLS to 'make' you eat better?
No. I fully understood that to eat better, a serious effort had to be made to the way I shopped for groceries. Hell, I regularly went to Sam's Club and bought my snacks wholesale b/c I couldn't keep 'em around long enough.
Yes, mainly sugar and white bread. I haven't had Coke (my drug of choice) and I feel better than I ever have. I was so damn lethargic, never getting up from the couch.
did you expect SOME things to ALWAYS make you sick?
No. I was in shock the first time I puked. It's the eating slow that I have not quite mastered at this point.
did you plan to leverage WLS as a tool to recraft your habits?
Yes, and it's working well for me. I do everything by the book, and thankfully have not strayed once. Portion control was a HUGE pre-op problem for me. I'd fill a damn plate high and to the damn edges. Buying hors d ourve plates and bowls helps alot with that now.
did you expect WLS to 'make' you eat better?
No. I fully understood that to eat better, a serious effort had to be made to the way I shopped for groceries. Hell, I regularly went to Sam's Club and bought my snacks wholesale b/c I couldn't keep 'em around long enough.