Celebrity Fix: Beyonce is going to star in another movie.
I guess she is the only actress in Hollywood. I am sick of looking at her.
Beyonce may be going from Pink Panther to Black Panther in a new movie role. Franco-Algerian producer-writer-director Rachid Bouchareb is filming a movie based on the early life of Black Panther and FBI renegade Angela Davis. And he says he wants to tap Mrs. Carter to play young Angela:
OK!!!! she got some shiot coming out in the spring about a fatal attraction triangle.....
Can Sanaa or Angela Bassett get some more ****
Hell - bring back Rosie Perez!!!! LMAOOOOOO I'd pay to see J-Lo in some **** again right about now.......
Can Sanaa or Angela Bassett get some more ****
Hell - bring back Rosie Perez!!!! LMAOOOOOO I'd pay to see J-Lo in some **** again right about now.......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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i am a beyonce music fan, however i dont think she's the best actress in the world..
there are so many talented actress out there give somebody else a chance. Beyonce always sounds like she's reading straight from the script!!
angela basset would be a good angela davis because she's a strong woman. cant nobody beat Ike in the back of the limo like she did
there are so many talented actress out there give somebody else a chance. Beyonce always sounds like she's reading straight from the script!!

angela basset would be a good angela davis because she's a strong woman. cant nobody beat Ike in the back of the limo like she did

(deactivated member)
on 2/7/09 2:08 am
on 2/7/09 2:08 am
I agree B isn't the best actress. I know I'm going to get flamed but Angela Basset hasn't changed up her style in recent movies. She used to be the best out there to me but now I'm just used to her doing the same ole same ole. I don't think I've recovered from her performance in Meet the Browns and I'm just saying she could have at least pretended to have some type of accent as Biggie's mom in Notorius.
I think she's a fine actress. No, she's not ****ly, but I like her.
I was
when I found out Denzel Washington was going to play Malcom X. He doesn't look like him....I intially thought it was a bad choice. Well, you know the end result and I was dead wrong. Yes, there are plenty of brilliant artists out there that can play Angela. But you know HollyHood....gotta bring in star power to make those duckies.
I was

I'm on B-overload stealing QT's phrase right now. I don't feel she's a strong acctress at all especially when you have Traji Henson, Nia Long, hell even Tracy Edmonds. They did the same crap with Halle Berry and sometime folks just gotta say no to shyt they can't do and forget about the money and exposure. Now, I do want to see that obsession movie since this is the first role I've seen she's not a singer. Plus I love Idris and the Hero's chick which I think is gonna make the move great!
I don't thnk that B's in the same league as Angela Bassett because Angela should be playing Beyonce's mom right about now but there are a lot of up and coming young talent that's not getting a chance. Maybe she'll ahve a baby soon....
I don't thnk that B's in the same league as Angela Bassett because Angela should be playing Beyonce's mom right about now but there are a lot of up and coming young talent that's not getting a chance. Maybe she'll ahve a baby soon....