do anyone smoke still
i feel you on that that's why i am trying to quit before i even have the surgery but it is very hard for me to stop. i think it will be easier once i talk to my doctor and he helps me find a way to stop or once i know my surgery date i am gonna stop the day i find out the date. If anybody know any helpful ways for me to stop please help by sharing with me thanks alot
Yes, unfortunately but the upside is that my goal is to quit by 4/1/09. I should be at my dr's goal of 150lbs by then. I have decreased substantially since wls surgery. I probably smoke 1-pack in two days. I have a stressful job which requires me to work from 4:00am until 5:30pm, 6 days a week and supervise @ 150 employees. A smoke here and there helps me make the day (lol).
im glade someone gave me a true answer cause i know no body has just stoped cold turkey like that cause that would be a little to hard. i mean i been smoking since age 12 and im 27 now so it's like a drug even worse then food cause i'll smoke instead of eating and sometimes i wont even eat til i smoke and my stomache be like if you dont feed me and i be like oh yeah i need to eat half the day might be gone by then. so God is not done working with me or you and i know that you can stop it makes since to set a goal for yourself for when you want to stop so thank you for your reply
I have been thankful to have never been a smoker and a 2-4 times a year drinker, if that...The last time I had a drink was on New Years Day.
HIGH-294CURRENT-151 GOAL-150LBS GONE-143LBS 2 GO-1 (Last weigh in 7/14) Platics Done: Breast Reduction (5/14) Extended Tummy Tuck w/ Anchor & Brachioplasty (5/29)