Calling all bandsters!!

(deactivated member)
on 2/5/09 5:59 am, edited 2/5/09 6:37 am - Northern, VA
Lap Band on 09/30/05 with
Hey doll, your tool must be working in over drive, I have had the gurgles too

I had my last small unfill back in October and I have been very very afraid to add more saline at this point, I need to get an Upper GI before I get anymore saline added because last October I was so tight I threw up all night long and could not sleep lying down; so I bit the bullet and had some saline removed.

Now I get to eat in peace, but probably too much that I want to eat, but I have come to peace with my band, it's either kicking my ass or I am able to eat anything I want. So when I get in the mood for a battle with my band I will go and add more saline .

Right about now I can eat 1 apple anything I want as long as as I chew properly ANYTHING GOES DOWN...

I make a good turkey chili here is how I make it.

1 fresh pound of ground turkey

1 whole onion

Olive oil

2 cans of garlic sliced tomatoes

1 can of tomato paste

1 pack of chili powder mix

1 can of pinto beans

garlic powder

black pepper

chop whole onion up; add in 1 cup of olive oil - sprinkle garlic powder and black pepper to taste, cook turkey and onion until golden brown. Once the turkey is brown add 1 can of pinto beans, tomato paste (add 1-2 cups of water with tomato paste). Add in chili mix and stir and cover with a pot and let simmer and cook in medium heat for about 15 mintues.

To spice it up add some low fat cheese or add fresh chopped onions and sour cream on top.

Hope you feel better sweetie and take care I know how you feel, I love to eat this is why I am not adding more saline to my band right now, I need to lose the 10 pounds that I have gained, but that is the beauty with the band we can add more saline when we want too.

ETA: I also add a dash of splend to my chili for flavor it makes it taste better!!
Terri D.
on 2/5/09 8:15 am
Hey Naomi.

Thanks for the encouragement.  I remember reading about your unfill.  I've never had one, but I imagine it's no fun.  Learning how to manage this thing is half the battle. 

I'll try your recipe.  When I make chili, I have to break out that big stew pot from the back of the pantry. 
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something." Plato

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be critized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt
on 2/5/09 6:09 am - PA

You're entitled to your feelings.  Sometimes, even the good things in our lives can be a burden.  Even though you're not feeling it, I'm so happy for you that you do have this tool right now, at this moment, when you want to eat because you're stressed.  I hope you feel better soon. 


Terri D.
on 2/5/09 8:19 am
Thanks Frenchie. 
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something." Plato

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be critized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt
Tha Pinkster T.
on 2/5/09 6:14 am, edited 2/5/09 6:26 am
Terri, there are days when my tool works and days when my tool doesn't work! Right now, I wi**** would work as it did on 1/16/07. I have to put in some work in the gym the next few months to get back to my goal weight. Its sad to see that I reached there and bounced back. There are days where I wish I could eat a whole freakin Chicken Club Sandwich from Zaxby's or a Chocolate cake from Ruby Tuesday---I am such a sinner! Your complaints are understood by your BAF family!
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


Terri D.
on 2/5/09 8:25 am
Hey Sugah!!

I hear you.  I gained 10 pounds right after I moved down here.  Trust me, I didn't complain when my tool stepped in and shut it down.  

Stay encouraged.  You can do it!!  
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something." Plato

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be critized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt
on 2/5/09 6:30 am
I feel you on this. I drink tea in the morning to loosen Mr. Reliable up. I only have 3 cc's in my band because anything over that makes me too tight. 

I kept trying to eat rice and most breads and finally gave up. Getting stuck and walking around the supply closet at work flapping my arms is not going to cut it. On top of that the only thing I have a taste for is jerk chicken.

The band. You gotta love it.

Sharee - Attention Whore IRL


Terri D.
on 2/5/09 8:33 am
 I have flapped a time or two.  LOL.

I think I'm at about 3.6, but I haven't had a fill in almost two years.  They were conservative about fills back in the old days. 
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something." Plato

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be critized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt
on 2/5/09 7:04 am - WA

I'm stressed and I'm hungry.  Is this as deadly a combination for you as it is for me?  I'm guaranteed to be in PB hell if I take a single bite of anything. 

yes, this is so very true..when i'm stressed it's a liquid day.

I haven't eaten a whole apple in four years.

lol...i don't think you'll ever eat a whole anything again..

Sometimes, I WANT to eat everything on my plate.  Can I at least have more than two bites?

i no longer eat from a plate..i eat off a saucer..i get small portions of everything...sometimes it ****** me off too...but mostly i'm thankful for that..i can enjoy the foods i like without over doing it..

Why do I have to start eating two hours ahead of everyone else?  It takes that long to "warm" this sukka up enough to allow me to eat at a normal pace like a normal person.

i think we might as well get used to this..i hate going out to eat..cause i never know whats going to happen...i can never eat all of my food..the waitress/waiter always thinks something is possibly wrong with my food cause everyone else is done and i'm still nibbling at the damn salad...

I've tried, but somebody please tell me how to make a lil bit of mac-n-cheese, or a small pot of chili.

lol...when you fiqure that one out, please let me know..

Can I have consistent restriction, morning and night?  I can't eat a spoonful of oatmeal in the morning, but I can eat my weight in cheese balls after 9 p.m.

each day is brand new...i never know if i can eat until i try...sometimes it's just first bite syndrome..what bothers me the most is bering thirsty after 9 or 10 pm..i can barely ge****er bubbles for the next 15 mins after consumption..

I know, I know . . . (  ) I have a lot of nerve to be ***** because my tool works.  Well dayummit, this is how I'm feeling.   

we have the right to biotch erry now and then...but in the end we are thankful for mostly all of the thiings we bitoch about..

2morrow will be a new day! just get through today..

"He who binds to himself a joy doth the winged life destroy. But he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in Eternity's sunrise."~William Blake

Tha Pinkster T.
on 2/5/09 7:55 am
Cleo, to piggy back off of you:

Why do I have to start eating two hours ahead of everyone else?  It takes that long to "warm" this sukka up enough to allow me to eat at a normal pace like a normal person.

i think we might as well get used to this..i hate going out to eat..cause i never know whats going to happen...i can never eat all of my food..the waitress/waiter always thinks something is possibly wrong with my food cause everyone else is done and i'm still nibbling at the damn salad...

I remember I went to On the Border for their lunch special. I ordered Chicken Quesedilla. In addition, they gave me salsa and chips. I ate 2 pieces of the Quesedilla and completed my assignment. I asked the waiter for a check about an hour and half later, he looked at my plate, and asked if everything was okay. I told him sure. The managers came over and asked if everything was okay. I assured them that everything was fine.  The Restaurant Manager and cook came over asking if everything okay. Fed up I told them that I had GB and they said in unison "OH I SEE". That was annoying for me! 
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


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