OT-What are the rules to a jump off???
1) No overnight stays
Staying the night sends the wrong message. It says that you actually don’t mind waking up to them in the morning, when truth is, you don’t even want to see them after you finish going for
2) Never let them come to your housethe gold. Get thee gone.
Fact is, if you let them come to your house they can find a reason to stay longer than you want them to.
3) No unnecessary conversations
Undoubtedly, the jump-off will expect you to at least talk to them about the days current events. I strongly discourage this. In fact, I think that you shouldn’t spend anymore than 30 minutes of time in their presence fully clothed…at their house (see #2).
4) Piggybacking on the conversations, no unnecessary time
Now, let’s assume you want your jump-off to solely be on JO status. That means you can’t go running around all willy nilly playing Connect 4 or going to the mall
5) No gifts
that overnight stay thing is tha TRUTH!!!! OMG - I had to wake a mofo UP from nodding off one time - was like NAW padna!! you tots TA GOOOOOOO!!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
See, Im the type that likes to cuddle afterwards.......
But I quickly learned in the relationship that Im speaking of that the bedroom was actually the boardroom. - Strictily business.......
ETA : Theres NO such things as " holidays " when it comes to jump offs.
Get yours, cause the other person is only concerned about getting theirs.