What Would You Do?
Bottom line: She is just a dayum spoiled brat! She has missed alot of school days last year and this year, enough for the school to kick her out. But I just got off the phone with the principal and they said dispite her poor attendance and poor grades, they will not kick her out because their goal is to see her graudate.
The only way to put her out of school is if I give them the ok. I want to see her graduate but she is not making it possible for herself. Staying out late and doing whatever the heck she wants to do. But I have had it with her for so long, I just want her out of my house. The police said, nothing they can do because she is still in school. But if she is not in school, we can put her out.
What would you do??? I'm stuck between a hard rock and a soft place. I love my daughter but she is messing around with the wrong crowd and she is CHOOSING how to live her life at 18. But this is UNACCEPTABLE in my house! If she gets kicked out of school, no other school will accept her because she is 18 which means she will have to get her GED. Making it hard for her to go to college or get a good job.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
it's time for some tuff love mommy. who's paying for the cell phone, and internet?? if you are, those would definitely be off limits in my house if her priorties are as skewed as they seem to be.
she would be educated on how 18 don't make you grown. being grown is being out on your own, taking care of yourself.
it may be hard, but you need to put your foot down NOW! stop letting her run over you. if all else fails, she would have to be shown the door until she can live by your rules...
my 13 year old already knows TAY's LAW. he ain't tryna fend for himself at 18...LMAO
"If you want to go forward, you put the car in D. If you want to go backward, you put the car in R." ~ President B. Obama
I was so through with her that I put her in girls detention center in another city. She went to jail for shoplifting at a mall even though she had money. Her reason for doing it was to see if she could get away with it. Sheezz! Then she started smoking weed and it just went on from there.
She kept alot from me or I just didn't see it until it was too late. We went to counseling a number of times, and it didn't help. She once wrote a book about what she and another guy was doing sexually. I mean it was so graphic that it would be a number 1 Playboy movie. I took the book to counseling and the counselor wouldn't even look at it.
I went through some times with her. I shipped off back to Va to live with my mom and she was doing a better job. She begged me to come back and I said no. But after while I decided to give her another chance. She did good for awhile but then went right back.
I fought with probation officer, the courts, the schools, the police and there is nothing they can do until she does something criminal. So it's out of my hands and she is now 18. I just fought so long and hard but to no avail. Sometimes I'd blame it on being deaf because i couldnt hear what was going on or what was being said. I was a single parent for 18 years until I got married last year. I was working, going to school and trying to keep a household. I'm to blame for some of this mess
I can barely hear K & K.....if I can't hear yo asse! WRITE IT DOWN! They tried that "because you can't hear...."
Me "***** don't go there with me! Nothing is because I can't hear; **** is because you think you grown! Pipe down and be a child before I kick yo asse!"
Sure, it's harsh.....but my girls need harshness.
Second, using a drug or trying a drug does not get one addicted......SO, if she is hanging with the wrong crowd, it's because she likes them and feels that she has something in common with that crowd. They appeal to her.
Okay, THREE comments.....being a single parent does not make one lack parenthood.
To me, PARENTING is a learned behavior....we change as our kids change....see, I kicked ass last night....woke up to "Mommy are you mad at us!?" I did not baby their ass! "Hell yeah, I'm mad, but most importantly, I'm freaking disappointed! So get out my face....have a good day at school....I will see you when I get home and I love you!"
Yeah, they say I am mean, but so be it! I'm your momma first....get that right and we can discuss being friend!
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)