10 year old commits suiside?
Anyone who thinks that because we have an African-Ameican president the country "...has changed and (taken) a great step forward..." is delusional, agreed.
In terms of teaching kids about predators, its not just on the net that they are learning, but in the schools and, hopefully, at home. Its a thin line in terms of protecting our childrens' innocence in that you want to spare them...however, the world is very very different from when we were growing up.
Bringing Emmit Till into this is like comparing apples and oranges, for it was widely acknowledged even THEN that he was murdered. No suicide even suggested. The matter then was in finding and convicting the guys who did that to Till.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
In 1955, it would have been illegal for me to even have my child or marry a man that looked like my son's father.
so, really, the comparison is invalid.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
The comparison is not invalid. Clearly this is not the 1950's but the attitudes still exist although hidden. There's more than one way to skin a cat.
Black people want to be loved and accepted by everybody! That just doesn't happen. People often say one thing and smile when they do and really mean something totally different. Just take a look at what's still going on in Paris, TX.
Is it 1950 down there? This situation is not about who you can marry, have sex with or birth a child from. The African Diaspora is strong throughout the world.
When tragedies like these happen people want to protect the organization or institution they love and feel loyal too and will say anything to protect its reputation. If any child states they are contemplating suicide at school, the counselor should have immediately been notified along with the principle & parents to get that kid some help.
I have to admit that I am not surprised that some Black people are adamantly defending the position that he indeed committed suicide without question.
I was picked on while in grade school by rotten teachers/educators and although I complained to the principle there was always another Black teacher or employee there that belonged to some Black sorority or fraternity or was related to somebody to pretend that they "knew" me or my family and nothing would be done. People think educators are above reproach but they are not and they make serious mistakes in judgment like everyone else, whether purposely or not to protect themselves or some stupid oath/pledge they took. Most parents have no idea what is going on at their kids school or who works there. And totally trust the school district employees.
You can flame me if you want but, what happened at that school and what they are saying is bull****
sad, but that's the state that we are in...
"If you want to go forward, you put the car in D. If you want to go backward, you put the car in R." ~ President B. Obama
To take as step further, when my ex-wife and I had just divorced, one day she read our daughter's journal (she was about 10 at the time). We had noticed some behavioral changes, the school had reported some things, so we decided to read what she wrote.
She mentioned several times in her journals that she was unhappy with what was going on with her parents and made references to wanting to hurt herself. We decided to have her see a therapist, whom she ended up seeing for nearly two years.
Today, nearly five years later, she's doing the typical teenaged girl thing (getting on my daggone nerves with her Sidekick-sheesh), but I'm glad we decided to intercede, rather than risk coming home and finding her successful in an attempt to hurt herself.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
When I worked in the school in a class of children that had diagnosed mental illness we had all races...
The kids were in 7th grade and were off the chain. That was the most mentally and physically exhausting job I've ever had. I was in court more than the classroom.
We had a child that had twice tried to kill his mother and he wasn't even 13 yet, a child that had burned his little sister with an iron...
I could go on and on.