Has anyone read "The Secret"

on 2/4/09 12:34 am - Brooklyn, NY
It really isn't magic.  It's the power of faith and positive thinking.

Like prayer / meditation, what the secret/ the law of attraction states is that whatever thoughts, actions, etc. you put out into the universe, it comes back to you in an equal amount.   Others call it the theory of cause and effect.  Having said that, if you put out the want for ten million dollars, let's say by way of example, you won't get a check the next day, for sure.  However, the means to put in the work, so to speak, to make that ten million will present itself. 

If you think about it,  all the ideas, inventions, accomplishments throughout human history have started out with the probably two words: "I want....." After that, the person fills in the blank as to what is wanted and if the faith is strong enough, if they can see it vividly enough, the means will present itself to achieve it. 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


on 2/4/09 12:41 am - DFW, TX

Regardless of what is going on in the world, YOU control your mood, actions, etc.  You can only control you--but if you are constantly being negative you feel negative and you attract negative people, energy, etc.

As far as the "fake it until you make it"  I can only apply this example.  You start a job at the same time someone else.  Both of you have similar degrees, backgrounds, etc.

That person wears jeans everyday.  You wear a suit.  Who do you think is going to be promoted faster if you both perform equally?  The purpose is to avoid that self-doubt, pessimism, etc. which sometimes is self-fufilling.  If you think you ain't shiot, you are only going to be shiot.  (follow me?)

As far as the bible and The Secret which is based on the Law of Attraction...do this.  Instead of using attraction, substitute faith.  Faith is an energy force in itself.  It is  not tangible but it creates things.  The faith you use to believe in your Creator can change things.  Every Christian believes in the power of prayer and faith.  Faith is the raw material from which great things are made. 

Hebrews 11:1 says that "faith is the substance."  It is invisible but it is from which your physical world is created.  

The Secret focuses on things that are good, happy and true.  God himself used faith-substance and word energy to create the universe.  He spoke and created.  Just as God created the universe, you can create your universe of faith (the Secret) and your thoughts/words/actions.  If you don't like what you create, you can change it.

Words and thoughts are energy and they affect matter--in this instance the matters of your life.

Jesus himself said in Mark "All things are possible to him that believeth." 

So if you believe that you are who you want to be, is it not possible that it will come to fruition?

Additionally,  Philippians 4:13 says "I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me."

So you can do whatever you want through Faith/Law of Attraction.

Often we feel life lets us down but often we let ourselves down.  I have this poem printed out and on my desk and at home.  It speaks Volumes to as what I am saying here.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

A Return to Love, Marianne Williamson. 


on 2/4/09 12:47 am, edited 2/4/09 1:29 am - Brooklyn, NY

The interesting thing about belief in the Law of Attraction is that is constantly tests and retests your faith.  Like religion, I guess.  The funny thing is I once heard this line in, of all things, a vampire movie from the eighties, "Fright Night".  The vampire is attacking, the guy hold up a crucifix and the vampire laughs.  He then says, "You have to believe for it to work..."

I find that the secret / law of attraction works in the same exact way.  One has to believe and it will work, like prayer.


"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


on 2/4/09 12:48 am - DFW, TX
LOL.  You aren't too bad yourself even if you are a giant's fan.

on 2/4/09 12:54 am, edited 2/4/09 12:59 am - Boston, MA
WOW...you just blew me away with your words...AWE inspiring...to say the least...I'm not worthy

PS this comment is for taw1975...seems to be posted weird on the board..just making sure you knew
on 2/4/09 12:59 am - DFW, TX
PULEEZE...this is just the outcome of "Tonya's road to nowhere" years.  

I've been there, done that.  I had to consciously believe, change, etc.  Anyone can. 

on 2/4/09 2:24 am - Little Rock, AR


Thanks for putting it together like that.....

It was beautiful and that is a beautiful passage that i've always appreciated.



Smile for me.........
on 2/4/09 12:42 am - Boston, MA
I can really relate to what you're saying it's been a struggle all my life.  I like you almost always see the glass half emtpy instead of half full and I think it's that negative thinking that has put me in the frame of mind that I'm in now...and I want to change ,I need to change and I need to start having a positive outlook on things...to qoute the book "Thoughts become things"....................
on 2/4/09 2:22 am - Little Rock, AR
But see that is where the hang up for me lies....

I don't feel like my thought process is wrong. I do believe that you should speak positive into existence and all the law of attraction but I think some people put to much into that part. Thats what i'm afraid of. I believe you can speak it into existence all day long but until you test it then its just a bunch of talk.

What good is having that faith if you never test it? Feel me? Why have a bungee cord if your never going to jump? I think some people get caught up in speaking it into existence and not doing. I don't want to be one of those people. I tend to be a make it happen type of person, at least I aim to be.
Smile for me.........
on 2/3/09 11:41 pm - Brooklyn, NY
Yes, I've read "The Secret", have full belief in the Law of Attraction and swear by it. 

I find various aspects of the Law of Attraction in various other belief systems. 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


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