A question of faith-answer in the morning if you want to.
I attend a public university that is faith based (catholic) and each student no matter what their discipline is has to take a theology class.
I was hesitant on taking classes like Discussion of the New Testament or Old Testament so I played it safe and took the basic class Religion and Human Experience. The first night the professor (a catholic) stated that she wanted us to have opinion discussions in class. She went around the room asking every ones religion. Now I live in a city where catholic faith is dominant and half of the class was indeed catholic, the other half were sprinkled with Baptist, Protestant, Buddhist and even a Pagan.
Well class started out okay until we started talking about prejudices in religions. The rituals in a religion were the sub-topic. Of course the class was very interested in the girl who considered herself a Pagan but that was half as interesting as when the professor was seemingly upset because of the questions from non catholics like; why do catholics have to confess to a priest when Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and therefore we can go to God ourselves. Why do catholics pray to the saints?
A couple classes later and she pretty much denounced the idea that Christians can experience a miracle if it is not witnessed by a community. There was a lot more but my point is with everything in the world is there prejudice in religion? If so why, is it because of rituals?
One reason there is prejudice in religion is that everyone is following the "truth." Even among Christians there are sects or denominations - Catholics and Protestants, then there a subgroups within protestantism - Baptists, Methodists, nondenomination.
I think it the prof missed a teaching moment if she was unwilling or unable to explain her religious beliefs and practices without becoming offended. The class is supposed to be about the human experience and religion and I hope the prof gets with the program. A better discussion would be for the class to discuss religion's impact on them or their response or thoughts etc. Just like your discussion topic - great class topic because your discussion topic is about the human experience.
First I wanna say I am sorry for the teacher's ignorance; but she showed prejudice to those that didn't understand or don't know anything about the Catholic religion. But most definitely there is prejudice in religion when people don't understand or they want to come to their own conclusions about other religions. I am curious as to did the teacher or any other practicing Catholics answer the questions. And I will tell you this most of the time those questions can't be answered because those acts were "taught." Like for instance, why are there additional books in the Catholic bible?
I love attending catholic schools and I don't mind learning about other religions; it makes me more respectful. But anyway I had to take a World Religion class; and it was taught by an Indian woman that was Catholic; but she riled the class up so; that she was basically removed from the class after the semester.
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. ~Booker T. Washington~
I have no answer to why though......be blessed it is only a class and will be over soon.
These above examples are just the TIP of the Iceburg...and ohhh yea, YOUR religion of Paganism is one of the most ritualistic religions of all, but then you know that.
Edited To Say: (Speaking of the 3 Abrahamic Religions- Judaism, Christianity, Islam and maybe others). Without rituals - there is NO Religion, there is ONLY WORSHIP! As a former Muslim of 20 years GOD clarified that for Me, that's why I am NOW a Believer (Believer in The Creator Only). In the Quran, GOD said, " Religion is a 'cult', I Blessed it because of your father Abraham." The rituals in Religion often get confused with with the GOAL, and some foolish people actually believe that if you do not do certain things GOD will not hear you. There are no requirements to get to GOD, no intercessor needed. If you come a knockin, He will let you in!
Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good!
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.