Yes, she's back TOOTING HER OWN HORN! 
Well I can't say its been and easy road or a barrell of laughs to all the pre ops, post ops, and the "I think nots"
I can only speak for myself in which I'm quite sure I will be speaking for MANY!! This has been a hard road. Even in the "honeymoon phase" it was very hard with the mental games your mind plays on you without the solid foods. I still get those same mental thoughts however, I am physically able to do something to counter them (ie., exercise, yoga, meditation, accupuncture, etc..,). I am trying it all.
And, for anyone who has met me in person you know I will try anything at least once (Dare Devil Diva!
). I just wanted to say that I appreciate all the love and support throughout the years from you ALL! I can't wait to meet MOST of you (just kidding) in person.
I hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday! I will be celebrating, but WITHOUT any alcohol! I've learned the hard way that its just "empty calories" and very easy to trade one addiction over to another. Be very careful about that. Now, if I can just stop maxing out my credit cards with the "shopping addiction."
P.S. yes, I made it to goal, but in the last 2 years the scale has been up and down 10-20pds. Yikes!
You would never know it just by looking at me,
but I can tell, I'm still working on it. I will try and keep my OH profile updated.

I hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday! I will be celebrating, but WITHOUT any alcohol! I've learned the hard way that its just "empty calories" and very easy to trade one addiction over to another. Be very careful about that. Now, if I can just stop maxing out my credit cards with the "shopping addiction."

P.S. yes, I made it to goal, but in the last 2 years the scale has been up and down 10-20pds. Yikes!

"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me