hey yall i got my drains out today it was not bad. i still cant stand up straight and it gets better with time it is uncomfortable but it's bearable. pictures coming soon.
thx for the prayers n well wishes from everyone...neva would have made it w/out BAF!
I'm Every Woman STILL doing my thang.......Kelly SUCCESS IS ONLY REWARDED WHEN YOU DON'T GIVE UP TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diamonds are the hardest material, yet appear beautiful & precious.
They are formed under remarkable conditions & Pressure. No wonder
they're my best friend... We have so much in Common!!!
yeah it wasn't that bad girl my butt hurt from sitting to long i had the new drains where u dont have to empty. this body suit is the bomb!!!! soon as i get my camera downloaded i will post my pics.
I'm Every Woman STILL doing my thang.......Kelly SUCCESS IS ONLY REWARDED WHEN YOU DON'T GIVE UP TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey girl--what's up??? I have not been on board for awhile...a long while...well I guess you are referring to your tummy tuck...CONGRATS...this time next year I hope to be writing the same thing if not sooner...cant wait to see pics...& take care.
Hey Cheryl--Thanks ...yeah I heard about him moving...I did not move with him though...I go see Dr. Woods, next Thursady....I have been doing good...I hope you are too!!!