OT: Has your spending changed recently?
*I* am NOT!!!! I am going to pay off some critical items with my tax refund and FORCE myself to bank the rest. I am going to give myself $200 for bullshiot shopping and that's IT!!!!
I am also back on the block in the 401K program at my gig AND I am still not:
- going to the movies $10 for one ticket, HUH?
- going out to resturants to eat - what for? Can't eat the whole plate AND it costs too much PLUS I cook better for me anyway
- going to the beauty shop every week or two - still rocking the braids!
- buying fast food items - is it me or WHY is a 3 wing combo at hartz $6???!!! HUH???
- buying Starbucks drinks everyday - now buy the ground coffee, brew it at home and drink on my morning drive
I also have done bundled pricing on my cable and have netflix to keep me from going to the video store all the time - and napster to load my MP3 instead of buying CDs........
I am planning on staying 'lean and mean' for at least the next 3 years - no major spending over here!!!!
How about you????
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
#1 MM...I was a few clicks away from buying a purse @ gucci.com and said to myself who are you and what do you think this is...I never went through with my purchase and put things on hold...I am buying my 1st house very soon, still being built, and I would rather keep the excess money in the bank for emergencies and things like for the house...I do go to the salon bi-weekly and may treat myself to a pair of shoes here and there but I have become very conservative with the money in my household...Both my spouse and I. My family and I cannot sleep in a Gucci bag...We need our house..lol

i am falling in love with seeing money in the bank!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Eating out maybe once every week/two weeks.
No cable period.
We have gone to the Dollar Movies or buy the bootleg of the new stuff.
Coloring my own hair.
Brew my own coffee.
Take my lunch to work every day.
Cut the gym membership (that wasn't getting used properly) and work out at the apartment free gym.
Started using coupons and immediately transfer money saved from coupons/grocery deals to savings.
I had two gym memberships at one time - was doing the super NERD thing - let the more pricey and less used one go.......
I have been a 'kitchen tichien' for a while - ain't NOTHING for me to do color, relaxer and errythang else!!!! Got a kitchen? Then I'm yo beautician!!! LOL
I am trying to start with the coupon thing next......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
The key is to combine the grocery store deals (with their stupid card) with your coupons.
For example, the other week they had Buy 2 Granola Bars get 3 Free. My kid takes these in his lunch so they were $2.99 each total $5.98 and then I had 2 coupons for .75 off.
So I got 5 boxes of granola bars (40 bars) for $4.48.

Then when I come home whatever I saved I transfer immediately into savings.