To all my Spiritual/Believing folks, tell me what you feel.
I truly believe we/society have made God wayyy too complicated/untouchable! God has given us life, dominion, and our own free will! What we do with it is strictly up to us! So, when it comes to what God intended us to look like - it is completely in our hands! I have the genetic disposition to be full/thick, now what I do what that genetic disposition is up to me. I am 5'10. Realistically when it comes to physical role models, I am a Tyra Banks not a Kate Moss! It is what it is! It's like the brake warranty on a car: they are considered wear and tear items. In other words, it is up to the individual owner/driver how long those brakes last and how well they work!
I truly feel that God comes in different forms and sometimes he meets us where we are because he loves us SOOOOO much! It's all about perception!
When you are lonely and crying and a friend calls - that's God!
When you hungry and broke and there is a pot luck at work/or your are treated to lunch - that's God!
When we are hurt or we hurt, when we gain or we lose love - That's God (cause either way he is teaching us to value LOVE!
When a fat person feels trapped/limited by their own weaknesses and genetic dispositions - God put it into someone to discover GASTRIC BYPASS!!
God open the door for me to have Gastric Bypass - plain and simple! If a person can not understand that, then they do not understand/know my God! When I fought for two years to have surgery and my insurance BLOCKED me every step of the way and then the SAME insurance company (in less than 12 months) decide to totally revamp their coverage and then decide to cover the surgery %100 as long as the criteria is met - whether you say it was someone in corporate or good luck, either way TO ME - that's GOD!
Be blessed guys,
Butterfly Beauty
I feel that it is more so getting to the place that we realize that God is loving, kind, and all too familiar with the things we deal with in this life. It is about years of religiosity tainting the way the world sees him. Religion has taken the fun out of dancing (that God created), It has taken the fun our different types of music (which God created), it has taken the beauty out of physical beauty (which God created). God placed us here to enjoy this place/planet and when we think of him, all we do is think of what we can't do.
Right thinking about GOD is not an obstacle for you, it is just taking him at his word and believing that it is unconditional. And finally once and for all making up your mind that no matter what - I will not allow anything/anyone question his goodness for me. That God paid the price and there is nothing that anyone could say or do to change they way he feels about me!
When the bible says that it is impossible to please God without faith, to me that is another way of saying, How can you love me if you don't trust me! How can we walk together if we do not agree with each other. It's like trying to make a bad relationship, work! We all know how that can be!
You are just fine! Just follow his hunches, his word, or the way he chooses to speak to you and then trust it! And remember that resistance will come but don't give up! Remember when Daniel prayed his prayer was held up for 21 days by the Prince of Persia (unseen forces). So resistance will come but the key to getting past that is to remember that delay is not denial - so do not get upset with God like he is holding out on you and remember to thank him when you are tempted to complain! The timing of God is not easily moved!
Note: I wish I could write a post that is like one or two lines. I am writing a book and let me tell you, creativity is flowing and I always got something to say! Anyhwo. stay sweet!
People always tying God up in some Bull**** (yeah I cursed). God did not make us fat nor unhealthy! In fact, he warned us all, that the DEVIL had been thrown out of heaven and for us all to beware....woe for the earth and for the sea! The devil has been hurled down with a great deal of anger!!!!
The God I know is a loving God, a gentle God. Now the ruler of this here system of things....that's another story!
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
This was a great topic. Honestly, I struggled with this decision for two years before deciding to have the surgery. It's like part of me felt like it was the devil trying to defeat me and if I'm a child of God I should be able to conquer these weight problems. Nevertheless, it wasn't happening but I wasn't fully trying.
I continued to pray about this matter and God gave me the green light. This process has been without effort. I saw the Doc, he submitted my paperwork, I was approved and didn't even have to wait the 6 months they normally require. On top of all that, the insurance company called me to say congratulations and they told me before the doc office did. I say all this to say.......what God has for you is for you! My steps are ordered and i know he has it all in his hand.
If you think about it......if our mission in life is to seek and save that which are lost....don't you think we need to get fit?? Be prepared to hit the streets to tell a dying world.......the Lord lives!!
Lastly, a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Make up your mind and stand on it!
Im waiting on my approval.No one and no words are going to stop me from having the surgery.I thought long and hard.If I dont have the surgery whos to say that this fat wont kill me.Skinny people dont walk in our shoes,so therefore that cant tell you anything about correcting your issues.I feel that the surgery is going to help my life.When you get the surgery your not going to be thinking I wonder if Im going to die.A good example when you get in your car you dont say I wonder if Im going to have a car accident.My advice just stay prayed up.