Racism innate or taught
D...you say "it comes from a need to feel superior".
I agree with that...and I call this "need"........ "innate", "inborn", "inbred", "natural", "hereditary", "in the blood", "inherent", "indwelling", "immannent", "engrained", etc, etc...
You also say that "discrimination based on color is relatively new, within the last 300 years, or with the advent of slavery in the Western Hemisphere."
I'll have to respectfully disagree because I don't think it too hard for one to search history and find racism quite a few thousand years ago.
(The story of Moses in the Bible when his sister Miriam and his brother Aaron spoke at odds with Moses because he had married "that Ethiopian woman" is an example. This story definitely had "racism" as an overtone flowing through it.)
on 1/28/09 7:59 am
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The remarks, questioons, and attitude's that I have endured since having these children in my home are a huge learning process and part of God's plan.
I used to be a foster parent and we did not foster caucasian kids because of what they were probably taught in their homes. This is Georgia so I'm into being real about what is being said behind closed doors. Now that didn't mean we didn't have kids who didn't have a white parent.
I have been amazed at how much a 4 year can know about the way of the world.
The CW's can't volunteer the race of the child but you can ask. The majority of the foster parents where I live do not take black kids. There were maybe 5 homes out of 100 that took black kids. So there were already plenty of homes who were open to white kids. I got upset everytime a black child got sent out of the area because no one would take him/her. The CW's used to throw that guilt on me everytime they called. One of the CW's really broke it down for me. She said we are taking suburban or country black kids and sending them down into the hood in Atlanta if we can't find a place for them out here. The kids wouldn't have the skills to survive in a more urban setting.