OK, I'm Shocked....

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"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
In my opinion Beachbody has THE very best weight loss products around. Would you like to join me on my P90X Journey? Please click the link below to Join My Team or to learn more about the products:

Can you fall in love with someone because of the sex? If the answer is yes, then they are not all alike.
In my opinion Beachbody has THE very best weight loss products around. Would you like to join me on my P90X Journey? Please click the link below to Join My Team or to learn more about the products:
Yes, one CAN have sex without love. Just like one can have love without sex. Perfection is when you have both intermingled and interchangable, which, these days, seems a rarity.
To me, what differentiates are the feelings that you may or may not have TOWARD your partner. I think that what gets people into trouble with relationships these days is that some take sex and make it the end all, be all; they put it on a pedestal and are willing to jump thru hoop for it like its THE GOLDEN TICKET.
Humans are the only mammals who will lie, steal, cheat, connive, glorify over something, that when you really truly get down to it, it purely a biologically, physical act. What COME from it are the emotions you feel towards that person. Some tend to confuse the two.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
Yes, one CAN have sex without love. Just like one can have love without sex. Perfection is when you have both intermingled and interchangable, which, these days, seems a rarity.
To me, what differentiates are the feelings that you may or may not have TOWARD your partner. I think that what gets people into trouble with relationships these days is that some take sex and make it the end all, be all; they put it on a pedestal and are willing to jump thru hoop for it like its THE GOLDEN TICKET.
Humans are the only mammals who will lie, steal, cheat, connive, glorify over something, that when you really truly get down to it, it purely a biologically, physical act. What COME from it are the emotions you feel towards that person. Some tend to confuse the two.
Do you really think that sex is, at it's simplest, a "purely a biologically, physical act" and nothing else?