Hair Loss
Different surgery but mine just started falling out 10 months in. I am using Rogaine now, a friend of mine has been using it and that biotch has long hair now but couldn't roll her shiot with rice a few months ago.
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!
Mines started falling out after 7 months. Luckily I cut it prior to it falling out, so I wasn't that big of a deal. I invested in a couple of really cute wigs ( 4 to be exact). Read head, blond, caramel brown and jet black.... I had surgery in October 2006 and in May 2008, I just cut it all off. Now I keep it short but it is extremely thick. Just make sure you get your protein and water in this makes all the difference. The problem with my hair loss was more of a thyriod problem than surgery related.
I have had issues with thinning. And after I thought it was ok I got it braided and now I have a bald spot. All I can say is take your vitamins and leave it alone. Find a style that don't require a lot of minipulation and wait it out. Don't do anything that will put too much stress on your hair or your skin.