Yeah move them over to turbo tax. You can't get a social for Rex, but you do know if you have somebody live with you, but you don't claim them as a dependent, and you take care of them all year (like a displaced IKE person) you don't have to have their social. You can key all ones in the Social field on turbo tax. So your cousin Rex that came to Dallas after Ike you might can do a lil sumtin.
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!

You talkin bout Friday.....i'm hopin for tomorrow morning. I went ahead and bit the bullet and paid the 200 to do Ral....I figgd what the heyll.....I cant miss something I didnt have in the first place.
Oh and Rhonda.....you know you dont need no kids of your own to get uncle sam's hook up. I know you know some folx with mo kids than they can claim. .....or someone who got chirren...but dont work. This the only time of year folx offer to buy ya chirren from you.
Day of surgy:396 Current: 242 Goal: 200