7 Days Post-OP and sooooo over it!

Ok Ima go take a nap! Maybe when i wake up I will feel better about life.
Oh yeah on the bright side of things I am 12 pounds down...so I guess it aint so bad!
Tabson I couldn't do protein straight outta surgery. Truth be told I don't think I was able to tolerate protein for at least 4 weeks out or more. Nothing tasted or smelled right for months. So all I basically drank was Crystal lite. Water it down to take the sugary taste away. I also made crystal lite ice cubes. That was my saving grace but then again I had my surgery in late May early June so it was warmer out.
Talk to your nutritionist about other options for you. At 7 days out boo you ain't hungry, that's all in your head and head hunger is a greedy azz beyotch!!! Don't let her out, lock her greedy butt up in the closet or basement somewhere LOL!!!!
But really we all went through this phase, it's called what the hell did I do to myself "Buyers Remorse". You will be alright and soon enough you'll be able to encourage a newbie going through this same thing.
Get yourself some rest, you just had major, major surgery. Hormones are wacky as hell right now. Take it easy and relax, kick your feet up just chill. You will feel better soon, it really does get better. Trust.
Yep think about the 12lb loss and there will be many, many more victories like that to celebrate on this journey. Good luck to you.

I am going to try and enjoy this part of the journey as suggested by you guys.