the ROOSTER lady
Regarding the girl in your story, she's probably doing the best she knows. I love wigs and hair pieces to change up my look, but at this time I don't own any in day-glo colors. I would consider it for something fun like stage wear or going out dancing, but not for wearing to work because I'm in a corporate environment. If I were working the cash register at Wendy's, I might need some bright red hair to help me get through a shift standing on my feet for 8 hours. If she's happy with it and it doesn't create any problems for her, I say go for it.
I don't "own" the actions of other people just because they're black, so the white peoples' opinions of them would not be a reflection on me. Bigots are going to think whatever they want regardless. IMO there are white kids who wear punk and goth styles that are much more over the top than some red weave.
I think black women look awesome with blonde hair when it's done tastefully.
And you know what,,, when white folks are questioned about some relative they have thats into that Goth,,,, they come up with shyt like "she's just EXPRESSING HERSELF" --- and thats supposed to excuse all that black lipstick, and black eye shadow.
I guess the Ole Que is getting ole now,,, cuz ALL of it is embarrassing to me! And I have an 11, 9, and 5 year old----and aint NO telling the mess they gonna think is cool.