on 1/20/09 2:18 pm - Austell, GA
Just Valena
on 1/20/09 10:28 pm - Nunyabizness
Well said Dee.




on 1/20/09 11:24 am - Baltimore, MD
 Here you go, a different perspective. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/rny/3840812/My-Obama-post-Non-partisan-non-political/#30788496

on 1/20/09 11:32 am - Gainesville, FL
No matter what they say today is a great day for America and all of us.





on 1/20/09 11:50 am - CA
Some people just wont get it, dont expect everyone to. And people are entitled to their own opinion, unlike some other countries america has SOME freedom. I personally think that Obama getting elected was very good decision, I know with Obama being president, there will be a good relationship between  usa and the motherland. 
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/09 6:25 pm - Northern, VA
Lap Band on 09/30/05 with

My honest and HUMBLE opinion, MOST young people in their 20s and early 30s DO not fully understand racism and the depths it created. not only was racism embedded into every aspect of  American society, it caused a lot of ignorance also.

I have colleagues that can barely speak English they are software engineers they came to this country with NOTHING but is now making over 6 figures in income...but they knew that if they only made it to this country the doors would open up for them if they got an education, even a lot of Africans who immigrate to American cannot understand why some black Americans don't got to college, when you can basically get an FREE education here, especially if you apply for school loans but it is not only blacks that don't go to college there are a lot of whites as well. Knowledge is POWER...Obama is a great example of that.

Some black people are just as ignorant  as white regarding our history, some black people are uneducated and don't even know where they came from; they only care about who is wearing the lastest outfits, who is gonna be in concert next week, what's up at the club and yada yada yada...but will NEVER open up a book and read enough to know nothing and try to beat and  use system  anyway they can and they someone think America OWE them something and blames everything on the white man. 

Hopefully one day and especially after this election both black and white people will come together as a people and clearly understand the scarifies that our ancestors "Black people" went through to get us where we are today and most of that was from blood and sweat from OUR black people that helped build this country.

on 1/21/09 12:55 am - NC

I have to watch these other boards. They end up pyssing me off!!! I go to that Lapband board, and all it is- is a bunch of white women and generally they get off the weight loss topic, and on to white women topics.

The Mens board, is a joke. I dont know where these "men" are from, but we have nothing in common.

The BAF board is where I feel most comfortable. Its full of women, but its Black women, and the few brothers in here know what Im talking about.

I guess it aint enough of us to start a Black Mens forum.








on 1/21/09 1:06 am
I dont go to certain boards...plain and simple..... Dont get frustrated and upset over peoples opinions, it's not worth it... the sad thing is you are going to hear negative comments for at least the next 4years... EVERYBODY is not celebrating with you and I...

Highest weight 302...Current weight...183
an official member of "The Onederland Club"

on 1/21/09 2:55 am - DFW, TX
It's amazing how someone that is on an obesity board can be so stupid, young or not.  Discriminating against the obese is the last acceptable form of bigotry in America--but I suppose he's never been discriminated against for being fat either. (SMH)  I would hope that he would have read a book, watched the news, etc. It's not rocket science.
on 1/21/09 8:20 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Right?! His ignorance was just beyond what I could comprehend. It blew my damn mind. I guess I'm just used to being in an academic environment where people at least aknowledge **** happens even if they haven't ever been around it.
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