on 1/20/09 10:29 am
As for Jay's perfomance......
I respect that he wanted to do something wonderful for the inauguration. But I didnt get his perfomance, his attire, his hair, the glasses. None of it worked for me- and all I felt was disappointment.
Thank goodness if he decides to really call it quits...he's made enough loot for life. Not to mention that his wife is unstoppable rignt now.
I dont know if his performance was a disappointment....per say....but the beady beads...not sure. Now for My sister B, was she on oprah today? Cause I saw her on Oprah a few weeks ago when her album first dropped, and yes, she was yet thin. BUt last night, on live television.....preggers. Face all plump and glowy, and...am i the only one who noticed her ariolas through the dress? I mean ive heard of the wedding glow, I had it for about a month, but really?mmmmmmm, it was fun watching them! I love Jayonce.
Your right, I got the information off Oprah a few weeks ago when B mentioned that she was NOT pregnant. Alot could have changed in a few weeks I suppose. I know she spoke of going on vacation in the coming weeks after the taping of that show. Playing devil's advocate here...she could have been all plump & glowy cause her and Jay were in the islands somewhere eating cheesecake and laying up like honeymooners do.
As for her ariolas....didnt notice them cause I was too wrapped up in her passionate rendition of At last. She sang that song so dayum good.....she may have started a fire within, who knows.
I thought I was observant....but dayum girl you got me beat by a long shot. I'll be looking for the update on the possiblity of a baby Jayonce . It seems in the past couple of years...babies in Hollywood are somewhat of a trend so it wouldnt come as a complete surprise.
Peace !