And in my opinion a lie hurts way more than the truth ever could. I think a lie is unfair. You have the other person operating under a misconception. That isn't right or fair. Then it makes it even harder for the person to trust anyone again.
Since we are asking questions....
Why do people feel a need to air their dirty laundry on a public forum for (attention) instead of sending a person a private message and discussing it there??
Back to our regular schedule program
Barack Obama 2009 !!!
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
Malicious liars are a peeve of mine as well.
However, I do know that sometimes folks simply prefer " not to share " their personal information with others for their own personal reasons.
Such as : weightloss surgery, hitting the number, sexual orientation, possibly on the job relationships, test score on recent exam.
Everybody has been guilty of that a time or two -in one way or another - myself included.
Is that still considered the same as lying, inquiring minds really want to know
1. Omission of important information. So if you have a child and you are dating someone and you lead them to believe you don't have any children by omission. Then you are lying.
2. Outright lies. If we are dating and I ask you if you have a wife/girlfriend and you tell me no and you really do. Then you my dear are a liar.