Poll: Pigging backing off that the other post :Would YOU date interracially?
I have NEVER dated anyone out of my race because I never had the chance...Like Queen said, if I was not in a VERY serious relationship, engaged and all, I would have... I do not care if someone dates outside of their race...I just hate it when people date outside of their race for stupid reasons...For example a black man dating only white women because he is tired of black women and vice versa.

I would love to say I would, but I have never had the opportunity. My question is where the hell yall find white men that like big black women. I guess its a stereotype, but I always thought most white men liked smaller women so I never even think they are looking my way.
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!

Hey Brenda long time no see, I guess you have not did online dating, go to a online dating service and trust me you will get hits by white men..LOL....In fact, I get more attention from white men on Match.com than black men, not sure what that's about, but regarding white men liking smaller women, as you know I am NOT small, not big either, I assumed white men did not like big arses or hips, I thought black men was only crazy about big butts, but that is NOT the case...I don't think they are attracted to very fat women but they ARE MORE attracted to normal size women than thin..I did not know that either...you see so many white women with eating disorder trying to get to a size 0...and from MY experience most white men are like brothas they like a women with a little meat on her bones.....I just checked out your profile and WOW you are getting mighty skinny there, so you may want to check out online dating, you never know....plus you are a real cutie...
On January 20, 2009 at 4:16 AM Pacific Time, Naomi B. wrote:
Hey Brenda long time no see, I guess you have not did online dating, go to a online dating service and trust me you will get hits by white men..LOL....In fact, I get more attention from white men on Match.com than black men, not sure what that's about, but regarding white men liking smaller women, as you know I am NOT small, not big either, I assumed white men did not like big arses or hips, I thought black men was only crazy about big butts, but that is NOT the case...I don't think they are attracted to very fat women but they ARE MORE attracted to normal size women than thin..I did not know that either...you see so many white women with eating disorder trying to get to a size 0...and from MY experience most white men are like brothas they like a women with a little meat on her bones.....I just checked out your profile and WOW you are getting mighty skinny there, so you may want to check out online dating, you never know....plus you are a real cutie...Thank you for being there for me. I have been working like crazy so I haven't been online in a while.
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!