Poll: Pigging backing off that the other post :Would YOU date interracially?

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
~Notes from an Equal Opportunity Dater~
Corny (my guy) is white. I see his color when I look at him and hear his voice. I can close my eyes and run my fingers through his hair....I still know he's white.
When we talk religion, politics, family, work or just shop, I see no color. All I hear (and see) is a man who is passionate about the things that are important to him.
When he prays....he is a man.
When he weeps....he is a man.
When he tells me he loves me...he is my man.
I've dated eberdang but Asian. But the majority of the man that I've dated have been black. I don't prefer any color, I prefer someone who is loves me unconditionally. For me, it's that simple.
Corny (my guy) is white. I see his color when I look at him and hear his voice. I can close my eyes and run my fingers through his hair....I still know he's white.
When we talk religion, politics, family, work or just shop, I see no color. All I hear (and see) is a man who is passionate about the things that are important to him.
When he prays....he is a man.
When he weeps....he is a man.
When he tells me he loves me...he is my man.
I've dated eberdang but Asian. But the majority of the man that I've dated have been black. I don't prefer any color, I prefer someone who is loves me unconditionally. For me, it's that simple.
on 1/19/09 9:28 am
on 1/19/09 9:28 am
PREACH GIRL, you got me over here shouting thinking it's church time.
I feel the same way, to many black women out here single because they have to many dam rules and requirements instead of letting love come as it is. My sister hates being alone but has a dam check list, Go Figure.
I have a preference also but my heart can over ride a big butt and a smile.
I feel the same way, to many black women out here single because they have to many dam rules and requirements instead of letting love come as it is. My sister hates being alone but has a dam check list, Go Figure.
I have a preference also but my heart can over ride a big butt and a smile.
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee
I'm not going to knock them...that's their choice. But I do agree with you about the requirements. I have friends who want men who are over 6'5", no kids, MBA, over 100k, homeowner, bow-legged, big hands, milk dud head (yummy!), gourmet chefs, certified back blower and blah, blah blah. Nothing is wrong with setting the bar high, but I doubt that they will ever reach it.
I say broaden your horizons and think like Ben Franklin - "In the dark, all cats are grey!"
I say broaden your horizons and think like Ben Franklin - "In the dark, all cats are grey!"
You mentioned ......
have friends who want men who are over 6'5", no kids, MBA, over 100k, homeowner, bow-legged, big hands, milk dud head (yummy!), gourmet chefs, certified back blower and blah, blah blah. Nothing is wrong with setting the bar high, but I doubt that they will ever reach it...
You may be on to something this could be why I am still single
, I plan on changing a few requirements in 2009 and see if I can get more applicants
seriously though, I think women WILL comprimise on what that seek in a mate as long as the guy has a good heart and honest those are the most important traits I am seeking at this point.
have friends who want men who are over 6'5", no kids, MBA, over 100k, homeowner, bow-legged, big hands, milk dud head (yummy!), gourmet chefs, certified back blower and blah, blah blah. Nothing is wrong with setting the bar high, but I doubt that they will ever reach it...
You may be on to something this could be why I am still single