Poll: Pigging backing off that the other post :Would YOU date interracially?
I thought I would ask you guys this question out of curiosity would you date inter-racially? Although I have dated out of my race and was once married to an Egyptian I see NO difference between the races, of course the brothas are a bit more blessed below the belt, but my Egyptian hubby was just as blessed if you know what I mean
of course he was from the mother land
Some will go out intentionally and seek a white/black spouse and some may fall in love unexpected with someone of another race.
Some have THEIR reasons for dating specifically interracial, when I was Match.com I was shocked at the boldness of black women specially stating in their profiles -- "White Men only", I did not come across any brothas that specially stated "white women" only -- the brothas tended to leave their ethnicitiy of their potential dates blank or they would choose black or latino or rican. I know some sistas that are FED up with brothas and vise versa thinking that the grass is MUCH greener on the other side, which in reality the **** is ALL the same
Believe it or not some brothas/sistas date white men/women just to have light skinned kids with so called good hair...and that **** an't no guarnatee coz, I have seen plenty biracial kids that are darker and hair as kinky as most black americans....LMAO...just keeping this **** real....
Honestly if you were single and IS single would you date or consider dating interracially? Be honest and state your reasons.....
My honest answer - YES, I see no color when I fall in love, however, I DO have a preference is personally attracted to this type of black man
-- yummy!

Some will go out intentionally and seek a white/black spouse and some may fall in love unexpected with someone of another race.
Some have THEIR reasons for dating specifically interracial, when I was Match.com I was shocked at the boldness of black women specially stating in their profiles -- "White Men only", I did not come across any brothas that specially stated "white women" only -- the brothas tended to leave their ethnicitiy of their potential dates blank or they would choose black or latino or rican. I know some sistas that are FED up with brothas and vise versa thinking that the grass is MUCH greener on the other side, which in reality the **** is ALL the same
Believe it or not some brothas/sistas date white men/women just to have light skinned kids with so called good hair...and that **** an't no guarnatee coz, I have seen plenty biracial kids that are darker and hair as kinky as most black americans....LMAO...just keeping this **** real....

Honestly if you were single and IS single would you date or consider dating interracially? Be honest and state your reasons.....
My honest answer - YES, I see no color when I fall in love, however, I DO have a preference is personally attracted to this type of black man

I have dated a white man once. I"m also attracted to nice looking men (Christan Bale, Hayden CHristansen, my surgeon Dr. Johnson lol) I honestly wish I would have dated a wider range of men before I got married. I think that as long as a person look at every color equally and date equally there is nothing wrong with that its when they date one race or another due to sterotypes or icrazy ideologies (black men got bigger pieces, white women more doclie and freakier or I'm dark so I'll lighten the skin of my gene pool, or I want to have some pretty tan kids) I have a HUGE problem with.
Ain't this like, your 50th time posting this topic? LOL!!!!
As I ALWAYS say - while I am looking for the RIGHT man - I will not pass up the WHITE man......... Imma stick with my Big Daddy tho - and he FAR from white!!!!!
As I ALWAYS say - while I am looking for the RIGHT man - I will not pass up the WHITE man......... Imma stick with my Big Daddy tho - and he FAR from white!!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
hot damn woman! can you take a JOKE???/ geez!!!!!!
ExCUSE me for saying a damn thing to you! Wasn't tryna start **** - you KNOW that ain't me!!!
ExCUSE me for saying a damn thing to you! Wasn't tryna start **** - you KNOW that ain't me!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
LOL!!!! Whatever Lee!!! I ain't DO ****!!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/