Speaking of Cheating
One of my girlfriends is leaving her girl...well during the move she ran across some pictures of her girl at a strip party...doing what folks do at strip party's
So anyway there was this pic of a girl dancing on her girl right(granted the stripper had on no panties) so anyway my friend got heated, because to her that was cheating
I really didn't see the harm in it.. but hey that is me \o/ I'm saying it was a strip show and that's what folks do at strip shows... She swears that they had to be getting in on after ALL THAT...I'm kinda thinking she is more upset over the "What ifs".. I honestly didn't see the harm in the girl getting a lap dance
So my question is this... Would you consider that cheating??? How can one really expect someone to go to something like that and sit in the background and not participate?? Not to mention her girl paid for the strippers in the first place...it was her best friends birthday
What yawl think about this?
Some think going to a strip club is cheating. Other think talking to someone over the 'net is cheating. Others go so far as to say that if you share intimacy with someone other than your partner, whether is emotional or sexually, is cheating.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
eta: though in a lot of the black-owned, lock-key "clubs", a lot more than dancing took place...shhhhhhhhhh!
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
Now I can see this because I feel an emotional attachment is pretty deep. That's worse than just looking at women.
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
If I knew my man was going to a location that had strippers I know what to expect...If he is getting a lap dance, that is kay...But he better keep his tongue and stick in his pants...You draw the line somewhere...I would have to know that he was going there, otherwise it would be cheating...I know where he is at all times and vice versa...
Now he considers anything cheating and that is sad...He needs to get a grip at times.