Freak Friday #2......... Threesome or moresomes.......
I got to wondering...... most dudes are TOTALLY against touching one another - yall will dap and that's it - but there's an 'exception' in threesome or moresome situations..... (so I been told)
How do you manage that? Is it the mental technique of compartmentalization (sp)? That the moment itself gets you out of the 'homo' thing?
Same question for chicks - but I don't think chicks have such a big mental block about touching another nekkid chick.......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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Who told you men don't have a problem with threesomes or moresomes (with other men included) outside of porn films? The closest I've ever come to that was an experience where I was in one bed (with one woman) and one of my brothers was in the other (with, of course, another woman...leave the jokes outta it. lol).
The dudes do it in porn movies cuz they get PAID to do it.
As for the women I, uh, engaged with (I was younger and dumber then-- ), they happened to have been good friends (very good friends) and seemed comfy with each other sexually. It seems to me that is the only way that will work.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
i needed to start a new collection...thats my story and i'm sticking to
now listen i'm all with the threesomes...however they are really over-rated unless you have the right three people with that being said if it's me and two guys..havn't done that one yet btw...but i'd like to
"He who binds to himself a joy doth the winged life destroy. But he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in Eternity's sunrise."~William Blake