BAF Members: To The Board Room Pronto! (Seriously Long)
You're right in that there are some who will get pissed, but in the words of Pooty-Tang, "Sah-dah-tay!!"
The board does have a chance--even with the negativity that sometimes enters it--only because 3-D life has negativity in it as well. AS with real life, one can choose to ignore/discard/gloss over it or add to it or try to rectify it.
I think, Inspire, that because there are still those who DO contribute in a positive, meaningful way that the board does have chances to continue to instruct, advise, inform, etc.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
So D I could easily take this post and interpret that you are calling ME negative...No not being negative just calling a spade a spade.... What I said what a whole lotta folks that are hitting me on the backline are thinking and saying
Secondly (not that I have to defend myself) let me tell you about Ro Ro and BAF I can honestly say that I am one of a few folks that has gotten SOOOO much love from BAF... Not too many folks have gotten as much love as I have from folks here...and you can't be a negative mofo and reap so many positive things... don't happen that way in cyber or 3D world!
Negative or not I will say it again BAF is NOT nor WILL IT EVA be the same! Everything changes! Sometimes its not such a bad thing.. I just wish these new folks coming in, including you, could have experienced the BAF I am and even Inspire are speaking about!
Really, it had....some for the better and some for worse!
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
This I know DeDee I remember when I first came on folks were singing the same song...didn't like my questions, my foul mouth and fighting with Treena... I was told several time by "old heads" that they didn't like what I was doing...but like it was for is for me the tide has biggie
Like I said I am only speaking on BAF for ME. RoRo.....and YES I consider myself an old head now...luckily I can say I do remember Shoe Goddess, Pretty Nia, Nitro and nekkid pics, Vee Nix, Meandmykidz and a whole host of others that fell off in 2006!
DAYUM, yawl look like sisters on your avie......~sexy~
Yeah, really it was different even longer did we visit each other in the hospital...the flower fund was no more.....we had lost several GREAT BAFers, such as Mz Nae, Keisha Joanique, Diamond Princess, Ms. Mel, Nat, Kerstin, Slim Goody, Tamara Faye, Ms. Jean, and yes EVEN Pretty Kitty! We lost BAF men like Vincent, Jamming James, JAPii ~though he come on sometime~ and toooo many more to name.
However, I am not afraid of change (hell, I'm a GEEK ~Information Tech~) so schitt changes on a daily, you know?!
I embrace the changes I agree with and the ones I don't, I avoid them like the plague.
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
I guess I need to bookmark this page and forever DOCUMENT this moment right HERE!!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Keep doing your thang.
BUT I do have one complaint, CAN YOU PLEASE USE A BIGGER FONT NEXT TIME? IT was a killer on my 40 year old eyes......
Love you always.....
I am on this site everyday all throughout my work day (not good