I am failing..............
Like Rhonda, my son did not get the 'fat' trait from me. That was always a fear of mine cause kids are terrible when it comes to the teasing and stuff.
I applaud you for stepping up and getting your daughter on track for healthy eating and living.
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
Guess I was not wrong for WISHING she would pick up the 'skinny crackhead' (without the drug dependence) trait from her dad..... huh???
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Kennedi is 10 and she too weighs 110 lbs. We weigh in at the gym. She is also TALL....I am going to be honest as hell with you. Kenn will be 11 in April.....and she LOVES bread! Hell, last night she said, Mommy you are the GREATEST cook! ~roll eyes~ Kenn LOVES food period. Even though we eat healthier and I only allow them to drink the Koolaid 10 calorie juices and buy the 100 calorie cookies, etc. for her lunch, I have to be responsible for other things in her life and I have to realize, some of it is BABY fat! I have to KNOW and ACCEPT that some of it is puberty is different know then it was in 1983 when I was her age. So, though Kenn is only 10, I take her into the workout area with me at the gym. The age requirement is 12, but she looks 12 LOL....she works out with me and we have SOOO much fun. She listens to KeKe Palmer on her MP3 and me Tupac ~though she asked for Lil Weezy LOL~
I only allow her to do ONE MILE and yes she has tried to jog on the treadmill. I also attempt the lifecycle and other ellipticals with her. We push weights together....I spot her....and she only pushes like 5 to 10 lbs.....doing 8 reps....even when she says I'm treating her like a kid....We also SWIM....3 days a week. Our gym has a gym with a like soccer football thing and we run suicides....kick the soccerball, etc. When the weather was nice, I made them ride their bikes DAILY! The key is to have fun. My girls love dance and have been in DANCE for years.
Cut out all bad snacks EXCEPT one day a week ~ I dont' want her to feel deprived~ On Saturdays, she (we all are) allowed to eat anything we want....that is free food day. Also, if you are going to use DVDs at home.....I use the belly dance DVD and hip hop DVD cause my heffas like to dance....neither of those are easy, but they are FUN as hell! I also have a TWISTER game and jump rope. My next home purchase is two mini-trampolines......we gon get our jump on!
Make it fun and make it time to bond. I enjoy doing it with my girls....and you will too!
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
I definitely believe you are not a failure. You see a problem and now you are going to fix it. For so long I was blinded by all the insults that I did not care about being fat or my children becoming fat. I have two girls that are six and seven. They both weigh under sixty pounds but I talk to them weekly about being healthy and they do exercise with me at home. Both of my girls know they have to decide to be healthy or it is possible for them to become fat and unhealthy. I talk to them with straight talk but with love. I cry sometimes when I talk to them because I never want them to live in an obese body like I have for so many years. So I am so proud of you for niping it in the bud I wish someone would of shown me enough compassion and love as a child to help me out instead of talking about me.
Food is not the enemy--we are our own worst enemy.
The first thing I don't do is THE CLEAN PLATE RULE is bullshiot and doesn't exist in my house. You eat until you are Full and then that's it. It doesn't matter if one day it's 2 plates and the next day less than half. Your body lets you know when you are hungry.
I also believe in snacks, desserts, etc. I am a firm believer that if you don't allow these things then you have a situation of hoarding, sneaking and wanting more, more, more.
I feed my child much in the way I eat and thankfully he likes it better than I do. Protien first, few veggies, fruit...little carbs.
We also do WATER and lots of it, 1 % milk since he was 2 and no juice, koolaid etc.
I also have him in some kind of physical activity that he enjoys every period. Normally it's soccer but right now he is getting ready for a round of swimming lessons until soccer starts again in the spring.
You don't want to make her a freak about food. The key is moderation and active lifestyle.
That is ONLY true if we are half-assed and neglecting our children.
In 1983, I was 10 years old and my sister Bee was 12. I was thick as hell....always had asse and boobs.....Bee was skinny as **** Kerri is 8 and Kenn is 10. Kerri is tall and skinny....Kenn is tall and THICK. She is gonna have asse and boobs....she inherited from her mother and MY GOODNESS, she has that same sexy asse walk her mommy has ~I have jinxed my child with my genes~
Though Kenn is overweight for her age, I also take into account her genes and her bone structure. I am SMALL-FRAMED, but her daddy, OMG, my hubby is SOLID....not fat SOLID.....he is very muscular/toned....that is just his body-build and my child has that build! She will never be SKINNY! She will always be a THICK child.
Though I will ensure she eats healthy and engages in physical activity, I will also teach her to APPRECIATE her WHO ~physically and mentally~. Too many people forgets to boost self-esteem. I kiss my babygirls on the mouf everyday and every night....tell them how pretty they are....how much they are loved.....and then I ask....where does BEAUTY really sprout from and they answer with a touch of the hand on the chest and reply WITHIN MOMMY! ~in fact, I wrote them song call Beauty comes from within~
So, when Kenn borrows my shirt and shoes, YES she can wear my blouses and shoes....I don't make her feel bad about it....I EMBRACE her and ensures she EMBRACES herself. I don't consider myself my own worst enemy. I'm not neglecting her; I'm not contributing to the problem. I'm invoking risk management and accessing options and possible solutions, but most IMPORTANTLY I am instilling in her self-esteem and self-confidence.
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
When I say we are our own worst enemy I mean in general--people tend to self-sabotage themselves.
You see people do it with weight, marriage, career, etc. It all boils down to personal issues and self-esteem.
You can see a woman that is beautiful, healthy, good job, etc. but may have and always have a sorry ass man because somewhere her own self is just ****** up enough to believe she doesn't deserve anything better. I think that for many of us we do this with food, weight, etc. on different levels.
I don't think we make our children obese but we definately can pass the enemy, i.e. our own issues on with food to our children.
I never had food issues.....I was never an obese kid....I was never an obese teen....only BECAME obese due to the "eating for two mentality" 3 pregnancies back to back ~one ended in miscarriage~ and then late night eating and excessively sleeping (due to Phil working graveyard).....before WLS I worked out consistently ~yes, I'm assbackwards~
Kerri was born in 2000....I started researching WLS in 2002 b/c Moms was like "Baby, this is not you!" and even with me working out (i just started to bulk up).....Dieting (big asse mistake).....I still could drop those dayum pounds. I was considered a "light weight" and only approved due to my family's history of hypertension and "sugar"!
However, I did grow up in the era of "clean your plate....don't waste food." ~roll eyes~ and moms still does that and I RESENT it! To me, kids will EAT when they are HUNGRY!
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)