Gold-digger? What is your opinion?

Tha Pinkster T.
on 1/10/09 7:01 am

On the show “The Real Housewives of Atlanta," Sheree Whitfield expressed a desire for a “seven figure" settlement from her ex-husband and former Falcon player Bob Whitfield. She has since said very little about the case because of legal wranglings.

She received a settlement last year but wasn’t happy with it. So she has appealed it all the way to the Georgia Supreme Court. The case is scheduled to be heard Monday, January 12.

Her attorneys painted her a high school graduate with limited skills to earn income, arguments for alimony she did not receive. This agreement meant she wouldn’t be able to stay at her $2.6 million home. She receives $113,422 a year from the divorce, not enough for her live the lifestyle she’s used to and clearly not at the level of what the hit Bravo show conveys. Sheree also received a lump sum of $775,000, shares of Whitfield’s retirement pension, nearly half of the marital property and child support.

SHIOT! I would sell the $2.6 millions dollar home and buy a $1.5 Million dollar home and keep the change! Ladies and Gent of BAf what would you do?
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
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mrs. neenaj
on 1/10/09 7:10 am
Sheree need to move into a house that she can afford and get a job and not play a fashion designer on reality tv. She kept bragging how she was all that on the show but let her lawyers in essence talk about how dumb she is and that she doesn't have any skills. If she was smart, she would have kept her mouth shut on national tv about how much she wanted a seven figure settlement and kept her business to herself but she was having a child in high school that she claims as a "family friend" so she got what she deserved.
Tha Pinkster T.
on 1/10/09 7:17 am
I agree. She needs to cut her losses and move on. All of those alimony payments she should've utilized it to learn a skill, trade, or earn a degree. Lazy ass! 
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


on 1/10/09 8:28 am
that heffa is fo damn sho a gold digger!!!  from WAAAAYYYY back!!!!!

She need to pull the 'comps' on high dollar celebrity ***** - she'll find she got hers overvalued - this economy i****ting EVERYBODY......   LOL!!! 

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on 1/10/09 8:30 am - Brooklyn, NY
If this chick wanted to work for a living *gasp!* (what a novel concept), she wouldnt' have married a professional athlete. 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.

Tha Pinkster T.
on 1/11/09 12:44 am
Hey! I don't know about that D. I was heavily attracted to the Football playing Athletic type in college. I didn't want anything less. Over time that has decreased but I am still attracted to the football body type of brothas! 
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


on 1/10/09 8:44 am - Brooklyn Park, MN



comin' from a woman whose struggling to keep my kids fed, lights on, heat workin', etc......i can't say at this point in her life she understands one time in my life i would say that she's was being unrealistic for pushin' the issue but now that ive been around for awhile i can understand her wanting more.......she has become accustome to a certain lifestyle......if he can maintain the same lifestyle status y can't she......just because the love is no longer there between the two of them does that mean that she deserves less?......true i think the route the lawyers took (basically calling her illiterate) wasn't the best but no matter she still deserves to get what's due to her especially if he (her ex) has the assets/money......additionally i think i would say the same thing if the roles were reversed and she had the money and he was asking for the same......JMO

I keep pressing on....a lifetime of challenges...but still I rise!!!....Thank U God!!!

on 1/10/09 8:48 am
Why can't she have the same lifestyle???

CAUSE SHE DON'T WORK!!!!!  LOL - that man SLAVED and BUILT his career - all the hours, all the bonee crushing, all the development was HIS work - not HERS.... if that ***** want the same lifestyle - there are PLENTY of colleges and universities where she can get a DEGREE, get a JOB and work her ass up like every OTHER mother****** in life!!!!!!

Sorry - but I don't agree that just cause he married her he has to carry this ***** in a Louis Vutton bag for the rest of her life when she came out of a Nike bag when they got together.......

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on 1/10/09 9:07 am - Brooklyn Park, MN
u know i used to think the same way but now...... i look at it like this.....while he was out bonee crushing, building his career.....who was at home taking care of the bills (payin' bills ain't no joke.....i don't care if you have the money or not), who was raising the kids, who was there everyday supporting, nurturing the kid, who was making the doctors appts, who was watchin' his back makin sure noone was taking advantage of his money (and u know she did because she was invested).....and im sure there was much we can't put a value on those things but she did things he didn't have to (just to live).....she made it possible for him to focus on his career and that's a job within itself!!!......he didn't have to worry about those issues because of she didn't go to college or a university but does that make her worth less?.......IMO no it doesn't.....she has put in would be one thing if he was already established (made his millions) before she met him but from what i understand she's been there from the start......think about all these corporate executives that get millions in bonuses every year......all they did was make some stategic desisions that may have increase revenue (and as we know this is not always the case) but it's the average workers that put in more than their share of work to increase the companies many cases they don't get a share of these bonuses.....their just doing their jobs and they're still struggling to keep a roof over their heads.......

I keep pressing on....a lifetime of challenges...but still I rise!!!....Thank U God!!!

on 1/10/09 9:16 am
sorry dude - have you seen that ***** in action?  she wasn't nurturing a ham sammich!!!! 

did you know she has a 23yr old daughter that she had when she was 15?  she has her labeled 'close friend' in all photo details......

and with that money - the ***** had personal assistants, maids and all that to do **** - she wasn't slaving over NOTHING!!!!  And WHO says he didn't have to worry or deal with her and her crap?  She was charged with check bouncing fraud in 2007 or so (as I recall reading) - so balancing a checkbook MIGHT not be her thing....... PLUS - that mofo was ALREADY an athlete with they married - she ain't help build a thing!!!!

Now - Juanita Jordan - HELL YES she earned that $$ from Michael!!!  She ain't have her ass out spending all kinds of $$ and parading around like she was hot toodie!!! Now she DID slave all those years - loved that nicca right outta college!!! 

I look at it like this - you marry a tamale making mexican and come to love and eat tamales everyday while you married BUT never learn the recipe - yall get divorced..... guess who ain't eating tamales no mo lessen they go learn how and buy they own **** to do so??????

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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