Complications with RNY
For those people that have had complication with RNY what was it and how long after RNY was the complication and how was it fixed also was it something that could have been avioded (like were you advised upon something and did it anyway). I would be curious to also hear from people that had RNY but have not had any complications...
I haven't had the surgery yet. Mine is on the 27th. But I know quite a few people from work and a couple in my family that have had it done and they have not had any complications and are all happy with their decision. I know just becaue they didn't have any problem doesn't mean that I will not have any but I think the most important thing is to research your surgeon. Find out how many he has done. what his/her statistics. Research Research. and from what I gather from everyone on BAF and the ones I know personally follow your surgeons instructions to reduce your chances of complications.
As someone *****cently had a gastric bypass please do not scare yourself with others stories.....EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Symptoms, Treatment, Protocol to fix problems, after care, Physicians etc are different I also worked in bariatrics for years.....Some people get hernia's some don't...
I had surgery and found out in the hospital that I had pneumonia... The pneumonia was what kept me in the hospital not the WLS.
Now with that being said most of the people on this board who have had some form of complications would most likely do it again...
As someone *****cently had a gastric bypass please do not scare yourself with others stories.....EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Symptoms, Treatment, Protocol to fix problems, after care, Physicians etc are different I also worked in bariatrics for years.....Some people get hernia's some don't...
I had surgery and found out in the hospital that I had pneumonia... The pneumonia was what kept me in the hospital not the WLS.
Now with that being said most of the people on this board who have had some form of complications would most likely do it again...
130LBS GONE!!!

There is a high risk of complication with any major surgery...a fact that your Surgeon should speak to you about so that you know the facts. I was blessed with a complication-free procedure and recovery. However, I do know a family that lost their daughter during a second surgery to repair a PostOp leak around the time that I had my surgery. I think you will find that most people who have WLS surgery are extremely obese w/ many preexisting health problems. Aside from death during surgery, it is these health conditions that ultimately contribute to their complications or death. Some do develope complications such as loss of nerve function, heart issues, bone loss, anemia...etc 2+years PostOp once their body functions balance out because they have not followed the doctor's orders related to exercise and taking supplements.
For the most part all you can do is have faith in God and research your surgeon in order to have faith in his skill and level of aftercare. There is a board on OH dealing with WLS death and thankfully I didn't read it until after my surgery...I do not recommend it.
For the most part all you can do is have faith in God and research your surgeon in order to have faith in his skill and level of aftercare. There is a board on OH dealing with WLS death and thankfully I didn't read it until after my surgery...I do not recommend it.