Thorough Thursday - All About Lee

Klassy -N- Sassy
on 1/7/09 11:38 pm - belleville, MI
Hi Lee
Have you always been attracted to ladies in high school? when did you decide or determine you were gay?
I am always curious as to how this happens really not trying to start nothing just wondering
what made you order that excercise video you did - personal reward?
Did you go to westpoint?
what do you do for a living?

You are really a cute girl.....if approached by a man what do you tell them and what response do you get?
I'm Every Woman STILL doing my thang.......Kelly 
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  klassycentury.gif picture by kpriestly SUCCESS IS ONLY REWARDED  WHEN YOU DON'T GIVE UP TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 1/7/09 11:59 pm, edited 1/8/09 12:00 am
1.  Have you always been attracted to ladies in high school? when did you decide or determine you were gay?
Oh lord I had crushes on a couple of girls in high school.  Oh this one girl Val use to look so dam hot in her Jordache jeans. 
Third Grade, if not sooner

2.  I am always curious as to how this happens really not trying to start nothing just wondering
what made you order that excercise video you did - personal reward?

I wanted muscles,  I am into a fit firm body and I wanted to not giggle so much.  So I saw it online and checked it out on you tube and got excited.   To be honest I wish I had never done it cause now it's another dam addiction

3.  Did you go to westpoint?
No,  I did not go to West Point.   I realized at the party my brother threw for me for getting accepted that it was not what I wanted.  I only wanted to go because I liked the jackets, and that is no reason to go into military academy.  LOL.    My family was very upset for me not going, and so was my local congressmen but I am glad I didn't do it.

4.  what do you do for a living?

I am a wanna be History/ Science Professor  LOL. 
I also go to school full time

5.  You are really a cute girl.....if approached by a man what do you tell them and what response do you get?
Girl you betta ask somebody,  the only men that approach me are Africans selling **** on the street and senior citizens in Vegas. 
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
on 1/7/09 11:40 pm - Little Rock, AR
I see your favorite colors are red and blue...

Are you crip or a blood?????

I'm just saying you gotta love one or the other you can't be a crib and a blood!!!!!!! 


If you could tell someone who doesn't believe in same sex marriages 1 thing to get them to see your way what would it be?

Does it bother you when men hit on you? 

I want you to know that I really appreciate you keeping it 100% at all times you have really opened up my eyes to other subjects and for the record when I get down a lil more I will be doing the P90X just like you.........oh btw.....if you ever......just know I got you (our lil joke)
Smile for me.........
on 1/8/09 12:06 am

Are you crip or a blood?????
I am a Crip,  negro. That is short for  CRIPPLED   ( I done told yall I got handicap parking)

If you could tell someone who doesn't believe in same sex marriages 1 thing to get them to see your way what would it be?
I have stated my stance on this issue way to many times on this board so i'm not ignoring your questions for the sake of ignorning it but only for the sake that everyone pretty much knows where I stand and there is no need to over state the obvious.   But if you seriously want to discuss thi**** me on the BL,  I'll make you wish you never asked.   LOL.  I am very passionate on gay issues.

Does it bother you when men hit on you?  
OK,  I do have to say when the ones in their like late 80's offer me a hit of oxygen I do get a tad bit offended,  but only a little.

Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
on 1/7/09 11:42 pm, edited 1/7/09 11:54 pm - Brooklyn, NY
Personality:  I am a very shy Christian woman,  I don't swear, I don't talk about sex, I love the lord he heard my cry

uh yeah, but do you tell fibs? 

When is ur b'day, fellow Leo (I'm 8/6)? 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.

on 1/8/09 12:08 am
On January 8, 2009 at 7:42 AM Pacific Time, Dalexis wrote:

uh yeah, but do you tell fibs? 

Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
on 1/8/09 12:17 am - Brooklyn, NY

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.

on 1/8/09 1:04 am
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
Birdman D.
on 1/7/09 11:44 pm - Nappytown

HI LEE!!!  ...Just a few questions from me...

Which is your favorite place you've visited in your travels?

Were is place you're looking forward to traveling to?

Did you graduate from West Point?  How long were you in the military?

Have you ever been birding?

on 1/8/09 12:13 am
1.  Which is your favorite place you've visited in your travels?
I really enjoyed Switzerland but some of my most favorite places are in America.

2.  Were is place you're looking forward to traveling to?
Egypt when the world decides to calm down a bit.

3.  Did you graduate from West Point?  How long were you in the military?
I actually did not go to West Point,  I turned it down at the last minute because I wanted to go for all the wrong reasons.   I also realized I didn't want math to take such a big chunk out of my life which is what would have happened if I had gone.  

4.  Have you ever been birding?
 I use to shoot birds with my b-b gun.  LOL  Sorry dude.

Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
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