Thorough Thursday - All About Lee

just me
on 1/7/09 11:27 pm

It’s Thursday and Lee’s been nominated to be on the hot seat!!!!

Here's how it will work:  A BAF member will be selected each week.  They will submit a profile and then the rest of BAF will get to ask all the questions they want while the selectee is on the 'hot seat'.  With the hopes that our selectee will cooperate and answer all!!!!! 

It's a great way to get to know someone or just be plain ol' nosy

So with that said.......go ahead and ask her anything you’d like to

Real Name:  Lesia  (Lee See ah)
Nickname:  Lee

  Negro, Engine daddy (Black Foot) 
Born:  In the 60's
Residing In:  Cali
Sign:  I don't have one (some call me Leo)
Status:  Married in Canada, but not legal in U.S. (don't get me started)
WLS Status:  RNY  April 2006
Passions:  Traveling, Eating
Favorite Color:  Red, Blue
Favorite Hobby/Leisure:  Traveling, Chillin, Eating
Favorite Food:  Anything Sweetnow it's M&M's,  last year it was Bunny Pooh's
Favorite Drink:  Right now it's Rapsberry Ice Tea
Favorite Scent:  I just started wearing perfume on my birthday, Becca mom got me some Jovan Musk, I know it's cheap but it smells like a fresh clean shower (not into perfume)  I'm more into clean smells or a rustic smell like Old English men's colonge which I wore in high school
  Yeah I got people
Occupation:  Education
Personality:  I am a very shy Christian woman,  I don't swear, I don't talk about sex, I love the lord he heard my cry .  
Fellow Professor Underdahl,  One of the most interesting and passionate men I have ever met. 
Motto:  If you ever get hungry, don't eat the Pooh  (it's a song I wrote in the 90's) 
Anything else you want us to know:
  Ummmm,  I was accepted into West Point  Military Academy right out of high school.   The 5th black woman at the time to have done so.    Pretty cool.


53 lbs lost prior to surgery....

on 1/7/09 11:29 pm
Lee -

Are you as crazy in person?

what's your favorite book?

what is your one true goal for 2009?

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

on 1/7/09 11:40 pm
Are you as crazy in person?
My friends think i'm pretty funny,  I don't try to be entertaining, I just am  LOL

what's your favorite book?
The Giver,  by Lois Lowry.   It is a book about an utopian society that turns out to be very dystopian.  It kind of reminds me of the Puritan socities of earlier centuries.  AWESOME BOOK !
what is your one true goal for 2009?
I honestly don't know,  I have to say to keep my relationship happy and healthy.  My biggest goal is always to make sure Becca is happy.
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/09 11:30 pm - syracuse, NY

Who do you think is the hottest chic in the entertainment world and why ?

on 1/7/09 11:41 pm
Tyra,  I love her so much.  I think I love her cause she is crazy and is willing to pull up her skirt and show her dimples on her ass.   She is real and I like um real, not to mention she is very hot.
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
hershey dream
on 1/7/09 11:37 pm - Duluth, GA

Hey Lesia!

Where you would like to travel to that you haven't been?

Because your marriage isn't legal in the US, ever thought about moving to Canada?

How did you and Becca meet?  What was it about her?



Life is not about making it through the storm....but learning how to dance in the rain.      
on 1/7/09 11:49 pm

Where you would like to travel to that you haven't been?
As most of you know I really want to go to Egypt but with all the political upheavel in those parts of the world I had to cancel that trip.   I have been dam near everywhere I wanted to go.  I wouldn't mind going to the Congo but I am afraid that place may still be a little to primitive for me yet.

Because your marriage isn't legal in the US, ever thought about moving to Canada?
If you knew me in person you would know how pro American I was,  my friends think it's kind of funny how I get annoyed when I travel if someone disses America,  I would never consider moving to any other country.  I love America.   Oh but get this, if  we want a divorce we would have to live in Canada for a year.   LOL.   She stuck with my azz.

How did you and Becca meet?  What was it about her?
I met Becca 13 years ago in the Oprah Chat Room,  back then we use to have to pay for the internet by the hour and lord I was paying close to a thousand dollars a hour on internet and phone bills.   She was just very young and very very smart and I like smart girls especially ones that can talk to me on any given subject so she intrigued me and I chased her young ass down, and spoiled the heck out of her. 

Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
Faith *
on 1/7/09 11:37 pm


Thank you for motivating us all to exercise and stick with it.  A tidbit of information about us...we share our names with the exception that my middle name has an A in front of it pronounced (A Lee See Ah). 

1.  How old were you when you knew you were a lesbian/gay/have an alternative lifestyle?  I hope I stated that correctly. 

2.  What do you like to do in your spare time besides workout?

Again, thank you for posting your daily workout.

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

on 1/7/09 11:52 pm

1.  How old were you when you knew you were a lesbian/gay/have an alternative lifestyle?  I hope I stated that correctly. 
Probably the 3 grade, when I wanted to kiss my teacher.  LOL  
I use to dream of marrying her

2.  What do you like to do in your spare time besides workout?
I like talking to Becca and hanging out eating Candy.   We do micro trips to discover our areas so I like that a lot.   We will just get up one morning and go somewhere hundreds of miles away from home and buy a pack of underwear where ever we end up.  I'm not wearing dirty draws.

Again, thank you for posting your daily workout.

Thanks for looking at them. 

Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
Tha Pinkster T.
on 1/8/09 5:18 am
Well dayum kissy kissy tha teacher! Go on Playa! 
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

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