Life, People, Family and my Decision
At first I didn't realize so many of us go through the same issues with family and friends. Almost all my family and friends don't want me to have the surgery or if I do then to have the Lap Band because it is safer. It really confused me at first and made it hard for me to make a final decision. But I come to realize thanks to BAF that most of family and friends are just thinking of all the negative side effects or death and they don't want anything to happen to you..and I understand that. But I had one of my close friends say to me that she is going to have to start working out and loose a few pounds because she can't have me looking better than her. Now that really hurt my feelings.
Sorry about the long post but i really struggled with this issue if you can tell. But BAF is right Fugg'em all. This is about you and only you. Do what is going to make you happy and healthier.