I'm new... any suggestions??
I joined this sight not too long ago in hopes of getting an idea of what this whole process is like. I have started my journey but I'm not sure whether I should go with the RNY or Lap-Band system. Any suggestions?? I have become addicted to this site, I really enjoy reading about the journeys to and through WLS and you all have been such an inspiration. I really feel like you all support each other and I don't feel so alone in my struggle anymore. Thank you all for sharing your lives.

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on 1/6/09 12:17 am
There are no hard and fast rules. Keep researching and working with your surgeon to determine the best procedure for you and your lifestyle. You may also want to verify your insurance benefits (if applicable). Some carriers have limitations on what procedures they will approve, if any.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something." Plato "Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be critized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt |
Welcome Ms. Bee! I would agree with theother fam members research research research! Its a personal decision (I was so frustrated when I heard this a year ago) but it is. It depends on your personality, your medical situation, and your beleifs about a band/foreing object, the fills, or being cut and rerouted and dumping.
But whatever you choose neither is better or worse just different and you gotta work your tool!
Good luck!

1. Welcome to the Fam. Dues are due the first and the 15th. Cash, Checks, Foodstamps are accepted.
2. Don't take any of this shyt personal. I'm sure you're pretty good with dem thangs, but c'mon now sister.
Ok, now that we got that out the way...let talk WLS.
Like you, I wasn't sure what procedure to go with. Initially (and that was my big word for the day), I was going with the Band for it's slower and "healthier" weight loss rate. Because of my medical footprint, RNY was a better option.
So for you, I think you should look at a few things....
1. What is your goal weight and could you reach it with either procedures.
2. What timeframe to you have to reach your goal?
3. Do you have any conditions that would more than likely go away with weight loss (quicker with RNY perhaps)
4. Since there are a few different procedures to choose from, are these the last two choices for you? SEE: DS
5. You're in Atlanta, what's with the COAT in your AVVIE? You getting some Alaskan Love?