About the Meet N Greet...
Is there that is better than another? Or should I say more convenient for ya'll locals to pick us up?!

TAW mentioned Ronald Reagan...don't know where they are in relation to one another and where the meetin' and greetin' will be going on...anyone flying into Baltimore? I can get a straight flight from here to DCA for a few extra bucks...
A couple of us "locales" have made arrangements to transport friends from the airport after a lot of schedule coordination. Aside from that most will be working a normal schedule and unable to assist individuals with transportation.
It might be a good idea to start a Post similar to this one to perhaps coordinate schedules for cabs or car rentals on the BL. The most convenient airport to the host hotel is DCA - Ronald Reagan Airport. Travel time being about 30 minutes depending on time of arrival. The various locations for the M&G activities average from 10-30 minutes from the host hotel so transportation will be needed. There are cab services for DC and Maryland but as some of the outings will end late night, a rental car would be wise. The hotel does provide a shuttle to the metro for those traveling to DC for sightseeing.
If enough people plan to attend the M&G and have interest in contributing, we could possibly look into a party bus for transport into DC?
1.) The BACKLINES have backlines. Watch what you say and more importantly WHO YOU SAY IT TO!! 2.) There are NO secrets on BAF. DON'T BE FOOLED!!
3.) The person who says: "I'm going to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone." has already TOLD 50 other people!
No--this isn't from experience--well, not MINE anyway!
Also folks keep in mind that dinner begins at 7pm on Friday. For those who are flying in and needing to check into the hotel it is wise to plan your arrival for no later than 4p as you can truly get held up in traffic both ways.
In my experience attending meet & greets...I've always made my own transporation arrangement, via rental car in which I've shared expense with other BAF attendees. I would suggest possibly starting a post asking if others attending would like to go in on a rental car.
I look forward to meeting you and we're down to the wire.