BAF Women....I Need Help Bad!!!
I need some help this morning because I am steaming mad

I went back a second time and stil the same thing "nothing wrong with you, you just have an infection. That is where the back pain is coming from". Well excus the F out of me, I am the one having these pains and I know darn well it is not coming from no UTI!
I went in a 3rd time and stillt he same thing! I am suspecting a herniated disc. Can somebody please help me cuz I'm about to go nuts!!!!

The first two meds only helps me relax and sleep but the pain is still tfreaking there. I know my body and I know the pain I am having. Some drs don't know it all!!!!

First off, good morning!
Ok, this is what happened to me not saying you have the issue but here is goes:
One day at work, my back starting hurting me really bad. I couldn't sit or stand without being in a lot of pain. It got so bad that I had to the E.R. While I was there, I got a CT and they did not find anything. I went to my PCP and told him what was going on and he sent me to get a MRI the very same day. They found a huge growth (the size of a soccer ball) on my right ovary that was pushing against a nerve which was causing my back pain. I ended up having to get a hysterectomy and that was that.
Again, I'm not saying you have the same issue but you may want to keep my situation in mind when you speak to your PCP.
I hope this helped somewhat.