I just saw the movie 7 pounds and I need to talk to someone about it. OMG

on 1/3/09 11:17 am - Brooklyn, NY
there's be no movie if that didn't happen.  lol

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


on 1/3/09 11:18 am
LOL. exactly.  but I can only 'suspend' my disbelief for so long, and for so much.....

Like 'the Lake House' - another bull**** flick.  and 'City of Angels'.... I was all up into it till the log truck...... BULL****!!!!

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 1/3/09 11:11 am
OK.What was the meaning of 7 pounds? Is the 7 pounds the weight of each organ?  Yes
Why did he have to pretend to be an IRS agent? I think because people would think he was a wack-job if he came at them any other way.  Wouldn't you?
What did he do for a living? The viewer is led to believe he became depressed after his wife's death and stopped working. 
I counted only six people he helped. How many did you count? I counted six as well.
I think it kind of glorified suicide. What your thought? I dunno...but death by jellyfish tripped me the hell out for real!
Why did he have to go to the hotel? 
Because he gave his home to the Single mom & her kids.
on 1/3/09 11:14 am - Brooklyn, NY
oh, the seventh person was actually the first...his brother.  gave one of his lungs, i think, remember? 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


on 1/3/09 11:18 am
I don't remember....the beginning was so slow.....I really don't recall what happened the first hour.  LOL!
on 1/3/09 11:21 am - Brooklyn, NY
No, Inspire. 
I was saying the first person he made a donation to (we find out at the end) was his brother.  He gave one of his lungs. 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


on 1/3/09 11:24 am
Did he really give a lung to his brother?  How did I miss that? Hell, I was crying at the end...ain't no telling what I missed.
on 1/3/09 11:28 am - Brooklyn, NY
Two things:
One, when he was intimate with Rosario Dawson's character..he had this large scar down his side and his back. Remember? 

Also, when his brother accused him of "taking something ..." from him, Will's character said, "Yeah, and I beleive I left you something, too". 

You find out about the lung at the end when Micheal Ealy's character and I thnk the lawyer are sitting at a table talking and he has envelopes addressed to each of the other people.

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


Stacee Y.
on 1/3/09 11:33 am - Florissant, MO
hey lady....lol how did you miss that?  i had to see the movie a couple of times to get the FULL understanding and see things i may have missed the first time...lol  it was good but started slow...but it is definitely a movie that you HAVE to pay attention to.


Autumn H.
on 1/3/09 11:39 am - AR
Thanks guys, now I have a better understanding. One more thing, what was the gift he was going to the woman. Rem. after they ate and danced he went back to the car to get something?
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