Madoff and Ken Lay too of the people who are responisble for some of the most hedious of all white collar crimes in America.

BMF (Black Mafia Family) These cats were/are American Gangsters of our generation
Are they really worse than those above??? Who is worse??
I SAY MADOFF AND KEN LAY, b/c you thought you could trust those type of guys they lied and stole and ruined lifes of millions of people. Who do you think is worse??
For all that gangs have done wrong, their original intention was a purposeful one. I'm not encouraging, appreciating, etc. any of what they are about but they were an attempt of a means to an end.
I will respect the mafia or gangs quicker than I will some old white man that steals millions of people's retirement money only to end up in some countryclub prison because like half of our governmental officials "he's not a real criminal." BULL****!
I will respect the mafia or gangs quicker than I will some old white man that steals millions of people's retirement money only to end up in some countryclub prison because like half of our governmental officials "he's not a real criminal." BULL****!

EXACLTY dont send them to the country club send them for real punishment. they would not last a minute!!!
let them feel what it truely means to be taken cause they have not enough brains to face half the con men in a real prison!
thats what makes me so upset with our judicial system. you take the young men who never had a chance or any guidance and throw them away and forget about them and all the talent and brains are now used to survive behind walls . instead teach them how to run a legit business and give them the means to start one instead of breaking them down. Give them the tools to make it . spend the money that is used to build bigger prisons on non profits and the public education system.
they take these white collar arse holes who have ruined the lives of so many hard working individuals and send them on vacation and let them out in time to enjoy their retirement still WTFE!
ok off my soap box now.