Piggyback off Treena's post

on 1/1/09 7:23 am - Indianapolis, IN
<========getting into S/A counselor mode=======

Addiction is a mental compulsive and obessive behavior.  Whatever tends to make one feel good, a person with these tendencies can and will over indulge.  Compulsion is the mental part thinking about how it makes one feel.  Obessive is the over indulging in the act that was thought to make you feel good.  It is just like with food it began to play a major role in our lives that was comforting.  Once you remove the substance of the addiction (i.e. food, sex. drugs. alcohol) the focus of the addiciton changes and we find a new drug.  So for example a person has WLS and food is no longer the drug of choice.  With the increase in self esteem we begin to possibly shop or go out partying.  Well the feeling of shopping, sex or drinking becomes a feeling we enjoy.  If you suffer with the disease of addiction it is easy to keep indulging at a rate that becomes destructive.  Don't get me wrong not everyone has addictive tendencies.  Some people use drugs and alcohol and when they see it is becoming destrucitve they walk away never to look back.  An addict can't do that despite the destruction we see we continue to indulge in the behavior until we hit a bottom.  Everyones bottom is different some end up in jails, institutions or in this case recovery.
For me once I put down the drug, I became a shopaholic I would actually go shopping to dress up the outside to make me feel good ignoring the fact that I still have a lot of work to do on the inside.  So basically I became a dressed up garbage can.  So for me I really have to pay attention to my behaviors that put me on a path of self destruction. 
So the bottome line is addiction is a cunning, baffling and powerful disease that will manifest itself in any area of my life.  It does not go away it lays dormant and reappears at the first opportunity, whatever it may be.  It has to be dealt with on a personal level that is an inside job.  No matter how good the outside looks the inside needs healing.  I know you have met someone that appeared to have their stuff together.  Once you get to know them you find out they have all kinds of baggage.  Things that have not been dealt with from their childhood or past relationships.  As MEN would say "she is crazy as HE**.  She may have some mental issues but I bet a million she has not healed from some old issues of her life.  So WLS, recovery or whatever won't fix it.  It's like you all say "this is stomache surgery not brain surgery".  This is not a quick fix it will not make all of my other problems go away.  They are still there waiting to return.
<=====that will be $50 for an half an hour session sir====>

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on 1/1/09 8:28 am

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mrs. neenaj
on 1/1/09 10:03 am
Shoot I'm still addicted to food, I just can't eat what I want and as much as I want any more. I wish I could shake the love of food feeling but so far I haven't.
(deactivated member)
on 1/2/09 2:40 am
Hello, I am FitAgain.........and I am an addict!!
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