Oh, this is some Bullshyt (The Vent files)

Feb 2008......Working out with my team....still can't see my nuts yet.
that shiot was funny...
.....i'm sorry things aren't going the way you would like...stay encouraged and keep venting..thats what we're here for 
have a blessed 2009'
that shiot was funny...

have a blessed 2009'
"He who binds to himself a joy doth the winged life destroy. But he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in Eternity's sunrise."~William Blake
Now you know that nothing good comes easy and that if its worth havin then its worth fightin and waitin for...that being said, challenge her. Call her and say in order for me to get the records you need you need to tell me what they are for. Call your insurance company first and find out what they require from the doctor. This time of year peeps don't want to work and they will do whatever they can to put your behind off. Remember, this is for you and it is your blessing, make it happen.
Oh and jump off the bandwagon; most of us been on the dang thing and the stress is beginning to show.
Also you might want to see someone about those self-perceptions
(being deliberately obtuse; but perfectly serious)
Oh and jump off the bandwagon; most of us been on the dang thing and the stress is beginning to show.
Also you might want to see someone about those self-perceptions

(being deliberately obtuse; but perfectly serious)
It is so good to know that all levels of venting are allowed.
You could have chosen to vent in so many different unhealthy ways including giving up.
Just stay on them, I had gotten up to calling (daily), faxing (couple times a week), and hand delivering my results personally (without an appointment - why should I pay a co-pay to do their job). Okay that is a little venting of my own.
I began to get discouraged but I know that my mind was made up. I know yours is too and we will both be on the other side of this, putting the struggle behind us in 2009.
Cheers and Happy New Year!

Just stay on them, I had gotten up to calling (daily), faxing (couple times a week), and hand delivering my results personally (without an appointment - why should I pay a co-pay to do their job). Okay that is a little venting of my own.

Cheers and Happy New Year!