Xes is the time to let it all hang out (excuse the pun) and just go for yours. If he stepped to you in the first place to get to know you better then he should know (or at least have an idea) what he would be working with when the clothes come off. So for that I think it's all in your head. Furthermore, if he was keeping it real he would be touching you (i.e. exploring you) in ways that would help you to keep your mind off of such things.
Does it get better? HELL TO THA YEAH!!!!! You think you are beyond blessed now...... LOL!!!!
A dude I felt was a little 'lacking' before became the THUNDER up UNDER after I lost...... yes - you CAN reach more places......
A dude I felt was a little 'lacking' before became the THUNDER up UNDER after I lost...... yes - you CAN reach more places......

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl! YES! I am 9 weeks post-op and it's WONDERFUL!!!!! For starters, I am able to move better and bend better and to finish this whole thing off, HE CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THE NEW ME and I'm only down 54 pounds! Need I say any more????? Hahahahahaha! In addition, your attitude about yourself changes tremendously (in a good way, of course) so over all, the experience is GREAT!