Good question! 

"All of us experience change in our lives. Change is the one constant in our lives. There are changes that we look forward too and change that we fear. However, one thing is for sure. Things will not stay the same no matter how much we would like them too. When a life change occurs, we have two choices in how to respond. We can despair that a change has come and assume that things will be worse, or we can look with excitement at the new possibilities that the change presents. "

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
I must admit that I have never had a complaint and it is probably all in my, well I guess some is on my chest. I think it is all in your head. When I was bigger it was about getting mine but then again I had been with my first for over 4 yrs. Maybe that had something to do with it too. hmmmm