The Hog Tradition
My Mama got my house stankin' up right now... cookin' chitlins, pig ears and feet (not cute)!! The only time she will eat the hog is on New Years....I'll be cooking the black eyes peas.. All these things "suppose" to bring you good luck for the new year (reckon it eventually worked for the slaves) Oh I forgot to mention that we are also frying fish... Tradition you know..LOL
I was wondering who else buys into this tradition... or what other traditions do you totally swear by when it comes to bringing in the New Year?
Oh oh oh the other one I have is you have to have money in your pocket when the clock hits 12 that's insurance that you won't be broke for the rest of the year.
((((((((((((Mere Caramel))))))))))))))))) let the healing begin lawd knows it is a hard process!
Actually kinfolk I really don't fall into that "traditional" New Years things I swear by.. ...
Don't eat Black eye Peas , I really only want a TASTE of chitterlings at New Years.. Dang that fish sho does sound good!!
That is funny about having money in your pocket let me try it this year and see how it works...
Kinfolk for real you don't swear by ANYTHING??!!
Now as far as the money thang like I said above come Nov Dec sistah be broke so I guess it only works for 10 months! Strange thing is I do make sure I have a C note in my pocket on New Years eve...LOL
I guess it is that chain letter mentality where you don't really want to do it but you do "just in case"....LOL know what I am sayin'

I hadn't heard the money thing..... we don't have any other traditions tho.........
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Actually - my MAMA loved them - we used to drive down to her house every New Year's day just so she could eat them - they were aiight - neva MY thing...... I would only want to cook them so my mom could have them.....
BUT - I'm making that heffa her favorite.... navy beans - so she shiot outta luck!!!! LMAOOO
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